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  1. shortside

    Shortside's Montana Ram

    :) This brief story is for you hunting junkies like me that need to hear some details. I was fortunate enough to drop the hammer on a great ram on Saturday afternoon, October 23rd. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to those that helped me in this hunt. They were there to help field judge, calm...
  2. shortside

    Son's first Antelope hunt with Dad and Grandpa

    :) Well, I posted this on 24-hr, but need to add a bit for this group, as the whole stroy is a bit tougher. A few weeks ago, my dad hit his head while playing wiht my 2 boys, Gunnar (7) and Steyr (5). After a few trips to the hospital, we are looking down the face of cervical spine surgery...
  3. shortside

    Salmon/Challis/Stanley Gophers?

    I am headed for this area (work related) and would like to shoot a few gophers while there. Does anyone have any tips or spots that would be suitable? I am travelling from Missoula to Galena Summit and back, staying in Stanley the night of May 5th. Thanks in advance. Shortside
  4. shortside

    2007 Montana Whitey

    :) Well, after not seeing a lot of promising sign, I dropped the first 5-point that I saw last Friday morning. This is a good 3 1/2 year-old deer, but I saw a better one Saturday morning, while trying to get a good deer lined out for my Dad. Dad was able to get a great sneak on him, but...
  5. shortside

    My 2006 Montana Whitetail

    I am new here, but seem to recognize a few monikers and faces from elsewhere on the web... I seem to recognize several Montna aboys.... Here's a pic of this year's buck. It was a very short hunt, but knowing the area, it all worked out in my favor, which was good for me, as I am working to...

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