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  1. O

    Today my mom...

    ... said that is a "safe website". Ya know, the kind of website that you tell you kids is okay to be on and okay to talk about personal stuff. She said something about a shooting hierarchy if somepeople were to get a little too stupid with me. Just thought I would boost Moosie's ego...
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    How do I...

    post pictures that are not huge? Everytime I have tried to post a picture, somebody has needed to go behind me and resize them so that they are a decent size. I have no idea how to make them smaller.
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    9 things most people hate

    1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is? 2. People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the T.V. remote because they refuse to...
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    Newspaper Ads

    These are actual newspaper ads: FREE YORKSHIRE TERRIER. 8 years old. Hateful little bitch. Bites. FREE PUPPIES: 1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbor's dog. FREE PUPPIES... Part German Shepherd, part stupid dog. FREE GERMAN SHEPHERD 85 lbs. Neutered. Speaks German. FOUND DIRTY WHITE DOG...
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    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

    Well, I saw it last night and that was a task in itself. Either sold out or no parking, we finally went to a theatre in a "small" town and bought the tickets an hour early. But as for the movie, it was worth it. Although I am not too thrilled that the castle has changed or moved or the grounds...
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    Good movie. There are parts that are slow, but it is worth the 2 hours. I definately recommend it to anybody. Go see it.
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    Canadians really do say "Eh"

    Interesting story. I am working as a Barista at the Puyallup Fair and right across from my stand is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. And let me tell you this, those guys can seriously drink coffee!!! And they really do say "Eh" after a statement. Not all of them though, but most of them. They...
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    I need help!!!

    OK, I am trying to install our HD Scanner on our computer (compac) and the computer (with xp on it) will not allow me to load it. It will load just fine on our old Emachine with a lesser version of windows. Anybody know what the problem could be?
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    OK, Forget about the Gas...

    What about the Shrimp supply? Anybody heard from Bubba-Gump? How about the shrimp cocktails at Christmas and Thanksgiving? We are forgetting what is really important here. Red Lobster, Old Country Buffet... all of the sea food resturaunts with the all you can eat Shrimp dinners... they are...
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    Something to think about

    I watched the flag pass by one day, It fluttered in the breeze. A young Marine saluted it, And then he stood at ease.. I looked at him in uniform So young, so tall, so proud, With hair cut square and eyes alert He'd stand out in any crowd. I thought how many men like him Had fallen through...
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    Happy Birthday!!!

    Happy Birthday To My Deerest Sister, Quick Draw (erin)!!!!
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    Tomorrow is the day.

    It has finally come. I graduate tomorrow. :D :D :D I am ranked 233 of 632 seniors in my class and of those, I think about 600 will actually be walking tomorrow night.
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    I dont wanna...

    wait until the week of my graduation to announce it. I graduate from high school on June 17th. And since he is in the middle of moving, I will let you know that TK (trophy_killer) is graduating some time next week (I believe). Looks like we have more class of 2005 people on here than I thought.
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    Tonight is...

    ... my Senior Ball :D . The dance is at Emerald Downs (horse track), dinner is at Mama Stortini's and pictures will be posted probably tomorrow. My cousin just left from doing my hair. It only took two hours to put ringlets in all of my hair with just a curling iron and she twisted it back and...
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    What happened to the poker nights? I am playing tonight, my dad might be on my name later since we cant figure out how to have two screen names on the same computer for So, how about we get a Hunt Talk game going again?
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    Dream Steak

    Ok, I had a dream while I was sick about a steak that I guess I wanted since I really couldnt swallow much of anything solid. Try it out and let me know if it is good or not.. In a side pan, sautee green/red peppers, onions and baby shrimp until cooked (use whatever seasonings you like). Set...
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    Poker Night!

    For those of you who are on, lets get a hunt talk poker night going this weekend! :D My ID is OrcaLover, look me up around 8:00. Game on!
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    Is there a difference?

    I was just reading another post and this popped into my mind: Is there a difference in the use of "nigga" and the "N" word (as others have called it)?
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    More Nature on the Farm!!

    We have had all sorts of birds come into our pasture, but I think this is the first time we have had ducks come and then come back the next day!! The cool part about these ducks, I managed to get the male to walk up to me a couple of times!! I named them Donald and Daisy, hopefully if we keep...
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    How Broke is your state??

    OK guys, How desperate is your state? What taxes are being imposed or already are in effect that are just stupid? Washington is trying to tax SPAM |oo the luncheon meat, not the crappy email!!

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