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  1. T

    All the men wil wifes or girlfriends...

    I haven't been on for awhile, but I started selling MaryKay. If any of you would like to purchase something for you woman let me know. I will wrap it and send it to you ready to open on christmas. I have a satin hands set for $30.00, satin lips set for $40.00, pedicure set for$38.00, and I...
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    Anybody close to Seattle??

    I know I haven't been on for a very long time, and I am sorry, I have been busy with work and kids!!:) I am going to fly into Seattle on the 12th of july for work, and this will be the first time I won't have Michael by my side in a big city:confused: , so if anyone is close and would like to...
  3. T

    Michael Rose

    hump HAPPY ANIVERSARY!!!!!! The past five years have been great!!!! hump hump I love you so much!!!! :D :) Tara
  4. T

    We have...

    A IDAHO STATE CHAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nate took 1st place for his division. He did so awesome!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D
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    Haven't been on for awhile..

    So how is everyone doing??? I have been very busy with the baby and work, and my other 2 kids!! So I really don't have time to do anything. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still here and alive!! hump hump hump Tara
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    Leaving for Nampa in the AM

    We are headed to Nampa in the morning, Nathan has his state wrestling tournement on saturday. Last year he took 4th place but was his first year wrestling, so hopefully he will do better this year. At all of his regular tournements this year he has taken 1st place except for 2 times, those two...
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    Connor 5 months

    This is our little boy connor, they grow way to fast!! I will have to have michael help me put the picture up. sorry
  8. T

    Having baby tomarrow...

    They are going to start me November 10th, at about 8:00 am!! I am so very ready! The doctors say that he is going to be a big boy. Hopefully all goes well, and I will have Michael give you all an update on how things are going!!
  9. T

    What the Doctor said....

    I had my appointment last week, and he said I was going to have a BIG baby!! I'm thinking great, not again!! :eek: :rolleyes: Nathan was a big baby! Maybe that means I might go early to?????? That would be great!! :D
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    I have 11 weeks left!

    Time has gone by fast!! Only 11 weeks till we have a new little one in the house!! Trying to get everything ready. :D :D I think we are all getting excited!
  11. T

    Texan Poetry

    The finals of the National Poetry Contest last year came down to twofinalists. One was a San Francisco State University graduate from an upper-crust family; well-bred, well-connected and all that goes with it.The other finalist was a redneck from Texas A & M.Go figure. The rules of the contest...
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    Warm and Moist

    MAN: I'd like to buy some dog food. CHECKOUT LADY: Do you have a dog? MAN: Yes. CHECKOUT LADY: Where is he? MAN: He's at home. CHECKOUT LADY: I'm sorry, I can't sell this dog food to you unless I see the dog. Store policy. The next day, the man returns. MAN: I'd like to buy some cat food...
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    Go read this it will make your blood boil.

    [No message]
  14. T

    I thought Michael would have posted ..

    by now, we are going to have a new addition in our house in about 9 months. :D :D
  15. T

    The blonde and the blinker

    There was this blonde and her blond friend in her car.The blonde driving looks at her friend and asks her to see if her blinker is working. So the blonde looks out the window and says, "Yes. No. Yes. No."
  16. T

    How did duck......

    tape get its name???? :confused: :confused:
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    The silent treatment

    A husband and wife were disagreeing with each other and the silent treatment was under way! The silence continued, when a week later the husband needed to get up at 5 a.m. to catch a business flight. His alarm clock wasn't working, and he grudgingly realized that he needed his wife to wake him...
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    I am so excited!!!!!

    All together I have lost 24 pounds since December!! I just had to tell everyone how excited I am!! :D
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    Question for Moosie....

    Michael and I are trying to decide if we can get enough money gathered up to make the trip to Boise in Feb for the DHI. Could you give me any prices????? It would be helpful to know!! Thanks
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    Elkhunter and LB....

    Thanks for invite to lunch, it was good food and it was an even better chat! We will have to do it again!!