Yeti GOBOX Collection

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  1. S

    Wearing Sitka Gear to the bar

    I don't think it is completely gay to wear Sitka Gear around town, to the bars etc... Well, maybe a little gay.;)
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    If I was the world's best golfer...

    ...and had a billion, was average looking, and had all of the world's hottest chicks all over me, my hit count would probably be in the triple digits. Maybe the guy went a little overboard and didn't use the best judgement, but look at his situation. Is there a girl out there that he can...
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    Greenhorn has close call with Cougar

    Just heard word that Greenhorn had a close call with a Cougar last night. The Fish & Game have already located the Cougar and found that she had a litter of 10 kittens. She must have been trying to provide for them. Unfortunately, they were unable to capture the Cougar and she is probably...
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    Serious threat to Idaho Big Horn Sheep

    This weekend I went out scouting for sheep here in Idaho for Moosie. The first evening I spotted a small group with a couple decent rams. While I was watching, from the corner of my eye, I caught the glimpse of a dark stealthy object approaching and immediately new it was a Ninja. I watched...
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    Tips for loosing pounds

    For all you guys trying to cut a few pounds, here are a few tips. When you get up in the morning, try not to think about a big stack of pancakes with maple syrup, juicy sausage, ham, bacon, with egg and maybe even a big juicy sirloin. When afternoon rolls around, I would definately not think...
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    I'm known for the giant heads I get

    That's right and don't you forget it. <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-07-2003 16:09: Message edited by: Weekend Warrior ]</font>
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    Greenhorn kills Sadam with Bow

    It is official. I just got a call from Greenhorn on his cell phone. 3 days into the season. I guess it was a 5 hour stock. Anyway, Sadam's skull measurement was a lot smaller than he expected. I guess there was some pretty major ground shrinkage. Wont even go P&Y.
  8. S

    Mathews Z-MAX!!!! YEAH BABY!!!!!

    Check it out and bid!! Mathews bow <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-16-2003 13:50: Message edited by: Weekend Warrior ]</font>
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    Greenhorn's 2002 Bear pics

    [No message]
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    Bad Weekend for the Lopes

    Today the Antelope are flying their flags at half mast. It was a brutal weekend for them, even the women and children. Fuggingoodhunter is a brutal SOB. The second I had a lope down, he was all over it, ripping it apart like a starving wolf. I have disturbing photos of this frightening act...
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    Bad Weekend for the Lopes

    Today the Antelope are flying their flags at half mast. It was a brutal weekend for them, even the women and children. Fuggingoodhunter is a brutal SOB. The second I had a lope down, he was all over it, ripping it apart like a starving wolf. I have disturbing photos of this frightening act...
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    Greenhorn kills the Freak!

    No kidding! He just called me to tell me he arrowed the freak antelope he found this summer. It is way bigger than he thought. Said it is the nicest animal he has got so far.
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    Elk hunting is soooo sweet....

    ....that I want to crap my pants. 8 Days and Greeny will be packing my meat. <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-30-2002 09:35: Message edited by: Weekend Warrior ]</font>
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    Judging Freak Lopes

    An anonomous friend of mine found a freak looking antelope this weekend that he wants to shoot this season. The deal is that I shot a freak lope a few years ago, and now he wants to shoot one so he can be cool like me. He took a video of it and was telling me how he thinks it is B & C class...
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    Anticipation sucks

    I hate applying for tags and having to wait for several months or longer to find out the results. By the time I either draw or get rejected, I forgot that I even applied. What the hell is with that? In Wyoming you only have to wait for about a month before you know the results. In Montana...
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    Hound hunting - only for the exreme athlete

    Most people don't realize this, but hound hunting lions is by far the most physically challenging of all hunting by far. The typical houndsman represents a combination of high endurance, mental and physical toughness and balls of steel. Here are a few photos that I dug up of some cat hunters...
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    Greenhorn drops giant Corn Back Rattler

    Rumor has it that Greenhorn dropped a Giant Corn Back Rattler in Big Timber this weekend. From what I heard, it might be pushing B&C. Greenhorn - fill us in on the details! Did you drop it in one shot? Did you green score it? Got any pictures to post? Rumor has it that you left it to rott...
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    Non-biased study on wolf reintroduction

    Here is an interesting article about wolf reintroduction. You might want to fill your coffee cup if you want to stay awake. <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-11-2002 12:53: Message edited by: Weekend Warrior ]</font>
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    %#&@ing Wolves

    Here is a cut & paste job for you. I think this guy’s prediction of the elk in the tri-state area is a little pessimistic, but think of what will happen to the Yellowstone heard. Probably won’t make any difference if you are a predator loving panzy living in Pennsylvania. The End of Life in...

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