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  1. W

    Deer kills French hunter.

    Saw thi on 24 Hour. Thought some of you might want to have some fun with it. This is right up Moosies alley...... First, the story.,10117,16648419-23109,00.html Then go to Veggieboard and look what the bunny huggers have to say...
  2. W

    Computer help please?

    This PC is impregnated with some pop upad "spyware" that I can't get rid of. Windows XP Pro, Interntet Explorer. I run udated versions of Spybot, Adaware, Easycleaner, and full McAfee scans and still can't get it out. Can anyone suggest the next step for a semiliterate PC user? TIA, Bill
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    I want to hunt a hog

    Tired of the long winter and want to go hunt a hog. Does anyone know where the nearest place to the Chicago area that I can do this is? Not really wanting to spend a whole bunch of money..... :D TIA Bill
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    Did you figure out what you guys are going to do for a Caribbean vacation? We got back from ours in the BVI's and I'm just curious?
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    Hey Elkhunter....

    Where is day 5? Hmmmm????? Don't leave me hanging like that!
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    To answer your question on the "other site", I can't get away during January. In November I am taking wifey on a bareboat charter for 10 days in the British Virgin Isles. Believe that will about tap the travel budget for awhile... Would love to go whack some waterfowl, just can't do it. I'll...
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    Greenhorn, Hard work or just luck?

    Greenie, I think ....hard work! I have followed your hunting success since the old days of the Coffeshop. You have taken some incredible animals and I respect the hard work that it takes. Congrats on the latest. ...or maybe it's them damn stinky underwear :D Best, Bill
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    Question for Erik in AK

    Erik, Do you have any hints or advice on how to go about putting together a hunt for moose/caribou, with the emphasis on moose, on either a drop camp or a float? Any advice is really appreciated. Bill
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    ? for Aspen Hill Farm

    Ann, Did you ever get your mess with the importing of your trophies straightned out? Hope it is fixed....? Bill
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    A great marinade for game

    This isn't original, I am got it out of Sam Fadala's cookbook. It works very well. It is called the universal marinade. Milk to cover meat. Add one egg and any seasonings that you like. I add freshed pressed garlic, chopped onion, pepper, cayenne pepper, mustard powder, and Worsterchire sauce...

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