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    A Quick Way To Clean Your Rabbits And Stay Clean!

    Ok Your out on a long rabbit hunt, you might be packing rabbits a few hours be fore you get a chance to clean them so here is a fast and clean way to field dress your rabbits on the hunt! I don't know about you guys but i like to field dress my rabbits as soon as i can to insure good quality...
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    What's Your Favorite Varmint??????

    Hey all, Well being new to this site and I'm sure this has been worked to death but, What is your favorite varmint to hunt and why!!! --------------------------------------------- With out question I love to hunt the coyotes, but they are very easy critters to get to come in, I like to hunt the...
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    A little about my self!

    Thought I might give a little info on my self and let you know who I am! I've been varmint hunting since I was a kid on the farm where I shot my first coyote with a 22 rifle that was trying to get are chicken in the coop!I've had articals published by North American Hunting Club that of which...