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  1. B

    California Quake

    Anybody feel it? Keith, everything alright down there?
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    2003 Deer Pics

    I managed to take 2 bucks this year. Here's a few photos for your enjoyment. And my sons buck!
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    Chopper's Call-n-Shoot

    January '04 Coyote Call-n-Shoot. I'll check the dates out today and settle on a weekend in January. I'll let you all know later this morning.
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    I guided this guy

    Check it out, I guided this guy a few months ago for hogs. He got a nice boar and his picture on the Petersens Bowhunting Website. No press for me though, he told 'em who he was hunting with but they only printed the town. Still cool though!Petersens Bowhunting
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    Hog Pictures

    This place is getting kinda stale. Here's a few pics for your viewing pleasure. Well I can't get the pics to come up on the page so go to the link below. Pics <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-27-2003 10:55: Message edited by: bigtusker ]</font>
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    Need advice on Youth hearing protection

    Anyone have any ideas on a good set of ear muff type hearing protectors for a 9 year old. I've checked Bass Pro and Cabelas and cant find a pair that is specifically for kids. HELP!
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    I went hunting

    Well, I decided to take some time off from guiding other people to hogs and went after one myself. Friday afternoon a few friends came up to the ranch. We were planning on getting a couple hogs before dark then enjoying an adult beverage or six while skinning. We started off at a little place we...
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    Archery hog success

    I posted this on another forum and wanted to see what kind of response I got here. I met the group of hunters at the cabin Wednesday night. We planned the next mornings hunt and had a few beers. Thursday morning started off with a bang. They saw lots of hogs and the first one was arrowed...
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    Anyone know where I can Bowhunt Hogs?

    I do! Effective January 1st, 2003 My ranch is going to Archery only! I will still be doing shotgun hunts for quail, dove and pigeons but only archery for hogs, turkeys and the elusive Columbian blacktail. I have a new website, check it out and tell me what you think. It's still under...
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    Free hog hunt

    I am giving away a free hog hunt to the guy who sent me the box the other day with the "ninja" camo T-shirt and the old green sweatshirt in it. He is the first guy who has hunted with me that ever sent me a gift.
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    Revoke PETA's tax-exempt status

    A petition has been started to revoke PETA's tax-exempt status. You may have seen it before, but if not, here is a link. Sign the Petition
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    A long short story about hog hunting.

    I did a guided hunt last weekend, this is how it went. Friday, the group is supposed to show up at 12:00. They show at 10:30. This put's a kink in my partners schedule. They are meeting him at his house and he's bringing them up to the ranch. So he rushes to finish things up at home and gets on...
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    "A" Zone opener

    Anybody have any luck this weekend during the "A" Zone opener? My group of 4 hunters harvested a nice forked horn blacktail. Field dressed at 137 lbs. 20 inch outside spread. 1 hog and a coyote. Tusker
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    Pics of the hunt

    Anaconda with his first pig. A 3 inch 215 pounder. Here's a picture of the "Safari Wagon" Not from the hunt talk hunt but the only pic I had of the jeep. Part of the group. The only one missing is T-bone. He was still sitting on the water hole. Tim's hog...
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    Pics of the hunt

    Anaconda with his first pig. A 3 inch 215 pounder. Here's a picture of the "Safari Wagon" Not from the hunt talk hunt but the only pic I had of the jeep. Part of the group. The only one missing is T-bone. He was still sitting on the water hole. Tim's hog...
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    1 day to go

    4 days to go. Are you all ready? I emailed out directions to everyone today. If you didn't get them let me know. Chopper :cool: <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-06-2002 08:15: Message edited by: bigtusker ]</font>
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    California hog hunt

    For all the guys that are coming to the June 7th-9th hunt, you will need to bring ice chests to keep your food in. The cabin has no electricity or refrigerator. It does have propane lighting throughout but a flashlight is recommeded if you gotta take a leak in the middle of the night. As time...
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    Blacktail pics

    A nice blacktail taken this year! What do you think? Not bad for a California "A" zone buck. <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 16 October 2001 15:45: Message edited by: bigtusker ]</font>
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    Awsome Hog!!

    I wanted to get everybody's attention just to show off my new icon. I think RavenBeauty outdid herself this time. What do you all think?
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    BIG tusker.......

    Haven't been out much lately, lots of overtime at work and calf branding at the ranch....etc. I'll see what comes out of my next roll, which I been too lazy to take in. I saw a huge boar last Friday and a herd of about 15 smaller ones.