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  1. T

    Thumper headed out of Africa,

    Hello all, hope everyones hunting season went well. I posted a note on the accidental saferi i will be taking this week. The post in the africa section gives the details, but who knows what i will leave with. Glad to stop by and have the B'cat working with me here in luanda. Geting all of the...
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    Thumper in Africa

    Well Guys, looks like I am accidently going on a short Saferi. I am past ready to come home and trying to make a bad situation better Basically, I got screwed on the flight back home. For some reason, KLM changed the flight from South Africa home from the 27th to the 28th and since I could...
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    Last minute decision HELP.

    Maybe this should go in the gun section, but not much on muzzle loaders up there. I traded out some air line tickets to hunt an a private lease with some monster whitetails up in Indiana. 3 Tickets for a 7 days hunt with taxidermy and meat processing included. (If I kill a deer) Problem I have...
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    Attention all Members... VOTE & WIN

    All, My daughter is studying mass media and a recent project was to lead a team to direct and edit a short film with Samsung video. They actually shot the short film here at our home, did all of the editing but that is another story. I ask all members to check log on to...
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    Happy 4th

    Headed out to the barrier islands with crew in tow for a good day of fishing, BBQ and a good camp out. :cool: Taking time to remember the fallen, others that have served for freedom and those away that are serving our country today as we relax in a free nation. Remember... Ya, can drink and...
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    You need air tickets?

    I have air tickets, first class or economey for individuals, partners or groups available. In exchange for big game adventures, get away of fishing trip. Put it this way. I can provide first or coach ticket to the destination of you desire in exchange for a trip of simular value. How can I do...
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    Thump to vanish.. (for a spell)

    Whelp, 6 weeks in Russia sucks so I rightly figure it is time to head home for the tournement challenges. Fishing that is, wussy sports for folks that have nothing better to do. :D Invite all to try my NEW sponsers in this years new Champion 24'' bay boat with Suzuki's 250.. Right O' ; I have...
  8. T

    Bow fishing

    Well, my friends from Jones Taxidermy finally got a little pay back for the days I go out and smoke a quick limit of trout and reds whilst they stay busy at the shop. :BLEEP: Richard, his two sons, grandson and our friend on the far right "Village Idiot" AKA Roy. Put a hurting on the reds...
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    Link for last minute deals!

    Moosie and member of the common classes! I would propose that our Grand Poopa, continue to post and accept any last minute deals like the Griz hunt. Personally, I feel that having a Steals and deals section would work. Maybe we as members could contact outfitters and guides (Legit) and advise...
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    2007 Wy. BULLS

    No tag last year:BLEEP: but Cuz's sons took these two a day apart. great trip even though I did not have a tag. Two good bulls
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    Coalition and associated members? Speak up!

    Alright, so we are debating on bringing back the b'cat and trying to calm the dicktater down..:D Osc, You still have a purdy mouth..hump Jason asked about it so, who is left from the original coalition and what do you recall. I think a few here stayed away from the coalition membership, but...
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    Louisiana Marsh fishing

    If any of the members are going to be headed through or down to south east Louisiana and want to put a hurting on some reds, trout or flounder. Send me a message on my yahoo account and I will let you know my schedule. Always glad to have someone tag along. Just be ready for some fun.
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    Newfoundland Moose?

    for the past three years i have been working on a moose hunt up in Newfee, and it is coming together this fall thanks to a newfee from the rock that works in my group. Anyone had the chance to hunt moose or bear on the rock? tell me about it. thanks
  14. T

    Bringing back the B-cat?

    Been asked to talk to b'cat (cuz) and get him to stop in when he gets the chance. Was looking at some old posts and saw he was banned! Check it yourself. If he is reinstated and allowed to use his handle I am sure he might pop in. Let's put it to a vote! Bring back the b-cat? Your call. he has...
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    Unlucky elk

    this is one unlucky elk might have seen this one before.
  16. T

    Free drawing for a Yamaha 700

    Not trying to promote something here and maybe you know something about this place that I have yet to learn. Also wanted to share the contest with Hunt Talk members so you can at least enter the drawing for the quad. First let me tell you about my experience. I was doing a bit of searching for...
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    Anyone remember "The Pan Man"

    Read the post where someone asked about getting a picture of Moosie without a shirt yelling something about I am sparticus!" that brought back a heck of a memory! Just for a good laugh, anyone remember a guy called Oscar "The Pan Man?" Maybe the Grand Pooba or one of the moderators can find...
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    Man bitten on penis by snake used rum for pain

    Maybe I should have put this in the survival section.. 8:37PM Wednesday June 11, 2008 A man who was bitten on the penis by a deadly snake used a cold rum can to soothe the pain while he rang his mother to say a final goodbye. "I thought I was gone," Cairns carpenter Daryl Zutt yesterday told...
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    Last log in 12-09-06? WTF!

    Howdy all! I surfing drunk and naked as usual decided to stop by and have a beer with a few of the old timers and meet a few of the new folks. Man, I was stunned at the growth of this place. :eek: God it has been a long time, in fact, It was 2006 the last time I stopped by. What was I member...
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    Back from Wyoming and headed to Africa...

    Howdy to ya all, Been a spell since I stopped in for a drink, but figured I would check it out before headed back to Nigeria. Had a great time up in Wyoming and just got back last night.. 4 cats treed and two nice toms on the dirt, but missed out, or rather should I say got stepped on by...

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