Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Recent content by Threedognight

  1. Threedognight

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    Full moon rising.
  2. Threedognight

    Wildflowers 2024

    Along our driveway.
  3. Threedognight

    Tim Sheehy?

    Do you realize they weren’t vaccines? They were an experimental gene therapy! You have been destroying your natural immune system. Long Covid is really vaccine injury in over 90 percent of the cases. Go ahead and stick your head where the Sun don’t shine. Do a little research on what they are...
  4. Threedognight

    Tim Sheehy?

    Jon Tester needs to go. The Democratic Party was done enough damage to this country. How have you enjoyed the last few years? Got your boosters yet?
  5. Threedognight

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    My niece took this pic the other day.
  6. Threedognight

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    We finished the roof over the deck this week. Let summer begin.
  7. Threedognight

    Sunrise Sunset Pictures

    A couple pics from this winter.
  8. Threedognight

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    Full moon a couple days ago.
  9. Threedognight

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    The Steller’s Jay, very hard to show up in a photo because of its coloration of the black head to the dark blue. If you think it’s hard to see out in the open and in the sunshine, you should see how it disappears in the Pine Forest.
  10. Threedognight

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    I thought about it, lol but I realize it’s been eaten nothing but pine needles all winter.
  11. Threedognight

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    A blue grouse joined us while taking a break. It wouldn’t leave us alone. It followed us for a ways when we left.
  12. Threedognight

    The End

    May you reap all of the benefits.
  13. Threedognight

    The End

    The Ukrainian war is a money laundering scandal! You sound like someone who has stock in Pfizer, and is telling everyone it is safe and effective.

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