Recent content by Sweetmeat

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    2021 Wyoming NR Elk Draw Results

    General tag this year!! First time hunting Wyoming!
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    LCH 2019 Hunting Year Summary

    Awesome Pics! Congrats on a successful hunting season!
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    Did Colorado Break the Elk Bank This Year?

    I love hunting in Colorado, and I agree that the heard health should be the number 1 priority of the CPW. I'm afraid that pricing out the average joe nonresident hunter may have unintended consequences on the hunting experience. Do you think that implementing the "qualifying license" fee...
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    Did Colorado Break the Elk Bank This Year?

    This was my 3rd year hunting archery elk in Colorado. 2 years in OTC units and one year in an easy to draw unit. I haven't noticed changes in pressure from year to year.(we had the most trouble with pressure in the easy to draw unit rather than the OTC ones) The first year out, I...
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    Hello I’m new

    Welcome from just across the river!
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    New from Southern Illinois

    Welcome! I'm about 10 minutes north of I-64.
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    Grand Slam, Bottom of the 9th, Colorado OTC

    Pumped for you guys! Awesome to hear some positive stories!
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    Garmin inreach HuntView questions

    I can't comment on the Inreach, but the onX on your phone is going to be pretty tough to beat. Past two seasons, my phone battery was pretty worn out, but on airplane mode it seemed to last longer than normal. I was in a similar situation and didn't trust my phone so I carried a handheld GPS...
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    Views from the blind

    Awesome Pics!
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    Water Maps for Colorado has a pretty cool "MapBuilder Overlay" which highlights most of the roads and water sources over top an aerial or topo map. OnX would be my second place to look. I like to use those 2 and Google Earth to build a bigger picture and incorporate all of their strengths.
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    Hello from Missouri!

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    Ground Blind Recommendations

    Those new blinds with the surround view are pretty sick.
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    Best state to take up residency

    Jealous of your situation! I've been trying to talk my girlfriend to get out of Illinois and move out west. At least before they start taxing us to move out of the state!
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    Sitka Pants for Archery Elk

    I’ll have to check more into the accents. I kind of just dismissed them because I thought they’d be freezing in the mornings and evenings.