Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Recent content by Steams

  1. S

    New Mexico Javelina

    It's like they say about elk, they are where you find them. I've seen them from Ponderosa forests to desert mountains, to bajadas and everywhere in between. They're just so good and not being seen.
  2. S

    New Mexico Javelina

    They can just be tough to see sometimes too. They blend in even better than most animals do especially since they're not very tall. It's like anything else in the desert, put in the miles and you will be rewarded. They don't have very big territories so just keep looking in spots where you see...
  3. S

    New Mexico Javelina

    Again, this is just my experience, but anything below freezing they will stay hunkered down until the sun is fully out. I've busted most of my Javelina between nine and noon.
  4. S

    New Mexico Javelina

    This might get a little long and I'm typing on the phone so bear with me if there's typos. One thing that's really important to remember is that they do not have an under coat like most mammals in the area so if it's chilly they usually don't get started until the sun is already out, at least in...
  5. S

    New Mexico Javelina

    A little late to the party here but I hunt that hunt almost every year with pretty good success. Unit 21 has quite a few, seen them in 22 a lot as well.