Caribou Gear

Recent content by Slam

  1. S

    Help! I can't get my lab to stop digging!

    Kristi Noem has a fix!
  2. S

    Solar Energy Comments due April 18, 2024

    This whole discussion is founded on the politics of Green Energy (a fallacious argument). If the government proposes to site solar farms on public acreage we as citizens need to demand a proper feasibility/accounting/environmental study showing the advantages for KW production per a given...
  3. S

    Let Them Roam - A Bison Yarn

    Man, what an adventure. You are one tough fella mentally and physically.
  4. S

    Tree Planting Tips

    I suggest (if you haven't already) you reach out to your local state forester and discuss your objectives. My experience over 30+ yrs of owning/managing a 300+ acre tree farm is that the insight a professional can provide, not to mention specialized resources will greatly improve your success...
  5. S

    Has anyone hunted elk from a kayak

    It really depends on the body of water, depth, obstructions and water speed. I used a Sportspal canoe for years to hunt rivers and swamps for waterfowl, turkey a deer. The canoes have a foam sponson that runs down both sides of the canoe aiding in stability. The canoes are wider than average and...
  6. S

    Renamed: crisis averted

    No need to feel any guilt using a crossbow; now, if your sluicing birds on the ground or out of of a tree with a shotgun or shooting turkeys with a rifle.....well, that's just bad form! ;)
  7. S


    Rules that will keep you alive: 1. always have a paddle or pole in your hand when wading, probe depth and bottom before stepping forward. 2. have a sling on your shotgun. Sure makes it easier to retrieve if you go swimming. 3. strap your gun in the canoe..shit happens. 4.use the canoe or boat...
  8. S

    Went for a bike ride

    That gal did a hell of a job staying centered and hanging on!
  9. S

    1911 .45ACP Taurus

    Your best option is to find a competent instructor and get her lessons. I took my wife, daughter & SIL for classes with a police officer who trains for the county. After 4 hrs (2 separate classes) the gals were surprisingly proficient on safety, loading, chambering and shooting (7 yds) doing...
  10. S

    KHunter ID Elk bowhunt 2023

    Great entertainment! Nothing like getting your monies worth on that tag. And the memory of the time you spent inside the rut crazed mob, gassed muscles, then to hit the mark for a clean kill, and to top it off have a husband/wife team (whom you had not met prior) show up and help with the pack...
  11. S

    Going to be a good fall-Elk down!

    Jeez, the only thing missing is you reclining in a chair with a single malt in one hand and a cigar in the other. Well executed.
  12. S

    A Rollercoaster Ride Through The CO Alpine

    What a hunt. Good decision making and much drama. Fabulous writing.
  13. S

    26 year wait - Utah elk hunt

    Epic adventure. My gosh, to have that bull coming in through those open aspens...oh what a site it must of have been! Thanks for sharing.
  14. S

    BLM proposing conservation leasing

    Interesting concept. Look forward to reading more about this as the concept works its way through the process. Many portions of the language used concerning better management of BLM lands should have been or should be incorporated in the BLM's overall mission NOW. In my limited...
  15. S

    Seek Outside getting heat for hosting gun control nut Ryan Busse

    Hmmm. Attack the issue not the person! One of the best classes I had in college was Logic. During debates, if a person personally attacked an opponent they lost the argument and had to go sit at the children's table for the rest of class. Much fun, laughter and learning how to parse language...
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