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Recent content by sjl2012

  1. S

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    Good reminder of the humanity issues that plague a state with a huge budget surplus. With that high poverty rate comes the highest substance abuse rate, an alcohol-related death rate that's more than twice the national rate, some of the highest suicide and overdose death rates in the country...
  2. S

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    I don't think anyone is arguing that. You seem hell bent that that's what we're arguing about when it's not. The issue is how the landowner is compensated for access, if they would allow access, and what type of access allows the state to best manage the elk populations.
  3. S

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    There are a WHOLE lot of elk in the white areas outside of those shaded areas that aren't included there. Large herds that reside on private property. Those tags are OTC with a ranch code. I am pretty sure those codes are unlimited or very lightly managed due to knowing some smaller ranches that...
  4. S

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    How much of the elk habitat in New Mexico is privately owned versus the States we're comparing here? Also, I'm guessing the next step is to take all of the Indian Reservation tags and put them in a public draw too?
  5. S

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    So the landowner gets to decide who he leases his oil rights to? Even if another person has said rights the current landowner still receives damages etc? I ask the question knowing the answer as I'm in the oil industry as well. Privatization is, landowner control of access either through a...
  6. S

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    "Not get a set aside or a handout from the government that corners 40% of the market and requires that 40% do business with those stakeholders." If we could get the majority of people to demand this in all aspects of the government everyone's federal taxes would be cut to 20% or less of what...
  7. S

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    The tags don't get converted back because they're private land tags, the ranches set the number of hunts/tags they want to use. Based on what he advertises, 4 hunts, he doesn't run 22 hunters each hunt(88 MB tags), on 15,000 acres I'd imagine he runs 6-8 hunters at a time, maybe less so he may...
  8. S

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    The links for the list are gone but here it is from 2023
  9. S

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    Vermejo is listed as Vermejo, you're looking at the wrong list. They're in the SMZ. And like the David Stanley ranch listed above they don't use all of their tags. Not even close, there are a lot of unconverted tags each year, especially in units where it's mostly private land. Also, all of the...
  10. S

    Collective wisdom about hunting NM

    Not leave their trash behind when they go home.
  11. S

    Take Back Your Elk

    Splitting hairs? Using dishonesty to promote an agenda is splitting hairs? Dishonesty is irrelevant when it's used to promote something you agree with? This is a New Mexican issue, land owners vs non land owners, the majority of transferable tags pass through a New Mexican resident and after...
  12. S

    Take Back Your Elk

    It appears to be 2 different landowners with the tags going to one. A lot of incentive work, as in it checks every box for elk habitat improvement in the last 3 years.
  13. S

    Take Back Your Elk

    @abqbw Page 7 of this thread, the real estate ad Jesse sent to Randy for the podcast you were part of, granted you didn't agree or disagree with the comment but you were part of the conversation. I also fully disagree with the secondary zone being unlimited, I do believe that is detrimental to...
  14. S

    Take Back Your Elk

    Kind of like the real estate ad for the 40 ac place that gets 15 tags. A little bit of research proved that wrong, fake, disingenuous in a few short minutes but not before it got thrown out as fact on a podcast and internet thread....;)
  15. S

    2024 Take Back Your Elk Report

    It depends, a couple of units that I hunt have properties that go unit wide because they are inholdings or connect pieces of state land that make access easier. I haven't actually killed an elk on one of these properties but they have been very useful and saved some miles at times. And they did...