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Recent content by sacountry

  1. sacountry

    Montana MSG Results

    It sorta sucks having all that in one season. I wouldn't want to be him. 😜
  2. sacountry

    Montana MSG Results

    That looks one of the "Planet of Apes" characters using AI to try to impersonate Lincoln on an above average hair day.
  3. sacountry

    Montana MSG Results

    Congrats! Somebody has to win! Glad we got an HTer with a sheep tag for some stories. This MSG thread is the best on the interwebs, but it's dependent on content. <hint><hint>
  4. sacountry

    Montana MSG Results

    I think it was hit by a car back in January.
  5. sacountry

    SB 442 - Habitat and Access

  6. sacountry

    SB 442 - Habitat and Access

    This is the question. It has an appropriation that was set with HB701 in 2021. There were multiple bills that tried to undo 701 including this bill until it was amended. Since none of the bills became law, the thought (at least mine and Shaafs) is that HB701 remains in tact and thus keeps the...
  7. sacountry

    SB 442 - Habitat and Access

    I was thinking along the same lines. I'm hopeful you're right on this. Feels like that's how it should be.
  8. sacountry

    SB 442 - Habitat and Access

  9. sacountry

    SB 442 - Habitat and Access

    @Ben Lamb This is not how I thought it would go. I didn't realize that the Senate would adjourn and not have the chance to override the veto. Two things....a) I thought there's a provision for voting remote....does that not apply post sine die? b) if the bill dies, then I would think there...
  10. sacountry

    SB 442 - Habitat and Access

    I just read his veto. He makes two points 1) the bill is missing an appropriation so it's unfunded which makes it useless. 2) basically "I don't like that this circumvents the General Fund" basically he's saying that every legislator who voted for this bill doesn't know what...
  11. sacountry

    SB 442 - Habitat and Access

    Wow....that's nuts. Looking forward to seeing it overturned by the super majority and looking forward to seeing who will be our next governor.
  12. sacountry

    SB 442 - Habitat and Access

    Thanks. That makes more sense. I guess I fell victim to an article that simply said HB2 had passed with dems upset that it happened so abruptly. At the time, I thought how could that happen, but since it hasn't happened fully, I'll just go back to my work now.
  13. sacountry

    SB 442 - Habitat and Access

    @Ben Lamb Curious...since the budget was pushed through in rapid fashion like 45 days go, does any of that have to be revisited if GG signs SB442? It's not a ton of money going to Habitat Montana, but I got the impression that GG was allocating this marijuana money in other places.
  14. sacountry

    Dog attack

    Coming at this from an insurance perspective. Hopefully you received proper medical care for your wounds. That ER bill should be submitted to your neighbors home insurance company as a claim against their personal liability coverage. That claim will trigger a policy review upon renewal. The...
  15. sacountry

    SB 442 - Habitat and Access

    There are some subcurrents around the Flathead about how GG hasn't been good for Montana. With the Rs dominating both houses, there's very little risk in voting in a fact there's some upside because the potential veto threat could bring a modicum of balance to Helena.