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Recent content by RockinU

  1. RockinU

    75 percent reduction of wild horses

    Irony Just to clarify, it doesn’t mean that your opposition has nothing because they resort to name means one of the several things they have is some possibly appropriate name calling.
  2. RockinU

    Yvon Chouinard on Meateater Podcast

    I like CA fine...I don't necessarily enjoy some of the people from there. Of course I'm from Texas, and all you western fellas hate us too, so there is that.
  3. RockinU

    Yvon Chouinard on Meateater Podcast

    I don't think there can be any question that he is anti predator hunting, and apparently nuance is out and binary is in for some here. Personally I can disagree with him on predator issues, and on some political stances he seems to favor, while still appreciating his life experience, and his...
  4. RockinU

    75 percent reduction of wild horses

    What's even funnier is the extent of the contortions some will do support their fringe beliefs. You do know Hitler is a villain because of what he did, and not the outcome of the war right? Villains have won throughout history and yet are still remembered as such. Hitler's contemporary Stalin...
  5. RockinU

    Elk Idaho

  6. RockinU

    “That would be the end of our industry”

    Leaving tomorrow...
  7. RockinU

    “That would be the end of our industry”

    Well, I guess that settles it! Whew...I didn't think that debate would ever come to a resolution...but here we are! This is awesome! Thank you!
  8. RockinU

    Scouting Etiquette Question

    I think you're fine...unless you jack my hunt, in which case I'm going to pee in your boots while you sleep. Just sayin...
  9. RockinU

    Greys River 2019

    75 lbs in, and packing your elk out half at a time! Tough stuff right there!
  10. RockinU

    South America

    Now you have me feeling guilty for deciding it's way too hot to hunt this weekend...(but it really is)
  11. RockinU

    Personal Locator

    I never thought a thing about being completely out of touch for extended periods of time until I had kids. Now the 2 way communication serves not only my wife’s peace of mind, but mine as well. It’s easier for me to stay hooked longer when I can check to make sure everyone at home is good.
  12. RockinU

    Public land nemesis

    You wouldn’t value him as much were he not...
  13. RockinU

    75 percent reduction of wild horses

    I don't want to further derail the thread, but have to respond, that a world war in which millions of people are dying, and efforts are being made to exterminate certain people from existence, is humanity's problem, and to imply otherwise is obtuse to an extreme I can't understand.
  14. RockinU

    Voormi coming to Bozeman MT

    I meant to post this in the other thread where it was mentioned, but First Lite responded to my email, and said that all their wool comes from New Zealand. So they are a safe place to do merino business it seems.

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