Yeti GOBOX Collection

Recent content by popeyoung12

  1. P

    Gun Owners Don't Vote

    if you dont vote, not interested in your political opinions. besides, a lot of our soldiers died for your right to vote.
  2. P

    Protection in bear country

    carry both in griz country. 10mm, with buffalo bore rounds. camp setup s/b the golden triangle. cook, tent, food all separate.
  3. P

    Falls, Lake Superior and Shipwrecks

    will be pulling my boat up the shoreline along Mn. in 4 weeks for our 23rd trip to fish a nw Ontario flowage. great drive.
  4. P

    Stuff you don't like for no good reason

    Don't use blinkers, turn left on solid red turn arrows, Bear fans, Hbows. Fans, fig/dates, Swifties, xbows.
  5. P

    Stuff you don't like for no good reason

    People who text vs. Calling.
  6. P

    Can someone explain?

    Well, do you want a $300 mountain bike or a $6,000 bike?
  7. P

    I’m 0’fer

    0/4.5 states, 20 draws. 2.5 states to go and 12 raffles.
  8. P

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    Looking for dow 35k
  9. P

    10 pts, WY outfitter search

    Tyler simms
  10. P

    Sell me on a CO legal muzzleloder

    Spend $150 on the Williams site system..
  11. P

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    Just sold a chunk, parked it in mm tiĺ the 10 year t is below 4.5%
  12. P

    Lets see your fishing boat!

    Brad paisley song.
  13. P

    Anybody have luck in the elk draw?

    0/6 states so far. 2 states left.
  14. P

    Lets see your fishing boat!

    Is that a knew gps system or a gsp?
  15. P

    Dall's Sheep and Mountain Caribou Raffle

    I would gladly pay the tax.

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