Recent content by naturebob

  1. N

    DIY Mexico coues?

    Great Bbawanna , Great post. ...LOL on dummies. You don;t Mess with mexico if you are not a a local or have connections. Jay Scott is one of the best to go with period . If You can't afford him stay home . To dangerous. Hell the Real mexicans are to dangerous here in...
  2. N

    Effect of Aging Hunters on Bonus Points

    I will be 63 in Sept. and quitting everywhere except home state of AZ.i have 10 Elk in wyo. I am waiting till next year and get what I can, Did deer last year and lope 3 years ago. Gonna do My 3 in Colo. deer this year and Be done. AZ. has enough for me and I will continue N. Mexico No bonus...
  3. N

    Ship problem grizzlies from Wyoming to California

    Great Idea ,send em to cali..................BOB!
  4. N

    Arizona point trick!

    I have no problem with guys doing it. Its really not cheating, they have the loophole , It G& F fault . I just don't take a chance personally of something screwing up for a few $. the hunt is more important to Me...........BOB!
  5. N

    Arizona point trick!

    Yep I use most vacation thru the year to go back east and see 98 year old DAD. Come hunting season I lose over $1000 a week take home. but the hunting is worth it at 62 and some health issues , how many more years do I have to hunt. No gaurentee I will live long and Healthy like DAD ,Ps sadly He...
  6. N

    Arizona point trick!

    We don't cost any more than most western states. I payed for special hunt for deer in Wyoming this year with lotsa points, add it up it was like a $1200.00 deer tag. And I kiilled an average 4x4. In Az I killed toad on the Kaibab this year 4 weeks later. Don't worry about a few bucks more if it...
  7. N

    ND crappies

    We don't have fur here. They all shave. LOL........BOB!
  8. N

    ND crappies

    You are the minority. I gave You the #'s , More people live in AZ. than 6 States up there combined.We play golf when it 110. The girls where Bikini's. It's a dry heat to ,not like Fla the South and Texas. To each his own . Look at the Stats. OH! That was a nice fish by the way... One last thing...
  9. N

    ND crappies

    Hey sorry to You Dakotans. Didn't mean to Harsh. . Nothing personal on anyone. Yes I had a few during the SuperBowl and saw this pst. Its about the nasty weather not individuals. Just brought back bad memories thats all. But Ya gotta side with me on the weather guys. My God ,Your gonna have wind...
  10. N

    ND crappies

    Ya ,see how nice it is in a few days . i looked at the forecast for Minot today for this week and its gonna be -32 temp . Who cares what the wind chilll will be . Thats to cold for Humans. When I worked in the over Hyped oil field 4-5 years ago that sucked. I would argue with You guys how I...
  11. N

    Bipod vs shooting sticks

    I used the harris with 2 extentions for 15 years never disapointed.........BOB!
  12. N

    Arizona Lifetime License

    OZZY is correct..............BOB!
  13. N

    Hello From Arizona.

    Only 3 years here, You are a Newbie. But welcome. Different world Here {BETTER}But keep that secret, Phoenix metro allready has 5 million people. Really don.t want more ,,,,LOL,,,,,,,BOB!
  14. N

    My late Kaibab Buck.

    Thanks all again. Was just back in PA. visiting my Dad who is 98 and not doing well and I showed pics to alot of old friends and all loved it as most of them never seen a Muley. Pray for My Mentor at 98 He was doing great till a fall 6 weeks ago, Its just a matter of time . Thanks all and in...
  15. N

    The Grand Canyon hiking R2R

    I went down and back on bright angel trail in one day when I was about 25 years old. I was in good shape and it was tough. Same day is a NO NO...LOL now at 62 I will never see the bottom again. It is a hike every one should do in their lifetime. Unseen Beauty when You hike it..........BOB!

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