Caribou Gear

Recent content by Mr Feeder

  1. M

    Ground blind and broadheads
  2. M

    Ground blind and broadheads

    I have been using the Ameristep 'The Care Taker' and it's been in the woods full time for 3 years. Had to fix some holes caused by falling branches bit it's to be expected. As for room you could put a cot in this thing and use it as a camp! Plenty of windows. I'd rather be in a tree stand but...
  3. M

    First season archery hunting.

    Hunting in the heat............I don't like it either but when you live in FL and archery season starts in September get ready for a really miserable day hunting, 90*+. Not to mention the speed at which it takes to get that kill gutted and on ice. But I still love to do it!
  4. M

    Tell Me About Your Bow Kills

    Been bow hunting in FL for about 15 years. The area I hunt you can't see more than 30 yards so that would be my longest shot. The shortest is almost unbelievable. I'm in a blind and a 10 point stopped right in front of me. I could have reached out and touched him....well I did but not with my hand!
  5. M

    Thinking of switching from fixed blade to mechanical broadheads

    Only thing I can say about mechanical is 'stay away'. I have used them in the past but too many times they failed to open as designed and the result was a good shot placement that only lead to game I could not recover. Since then I have used fixed (none replaceable) broadheads with excellent...
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