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Recent content by Mister Bisley

  1. Mister Bisley

    Jetboil alternatives

    I bought a Jet Boil when they first came out around 2001. I still have it and it still works (at least it did during it's last outing) after many years of use, although I haven't used it in over a decade. Truth is, I'm not a fan of canister stoves. Good luck finding a canister in a remote area...
  2. Mister Bisley

    Name my son for me.

    Congrats buddy. Samuel is a great name. Biblical, classic and Cowboy all rolled into one
  3. Mister Bisley

    Boots that don’t leak.

    I've had good luck with Kenetrek Hardscrabble Hikers. I've used them in the Coast Range in Oregon for blacktail deer and have had days where it's been pouring rain and cold. The exterior of the boots were absolutely soaked, but my feet were dry and warm all day long. They are a little on the...
  4. Mister Bisley

    How do you carry your bear defense sidearm

    I use a Diamond D Leather Guides Choice Chest Rig. Stock photo of the one I use below.
  5. Mister Bisley

    Driving the Alcan Do your own research to avoid headaches while traveling. I recommend researching leaving US border, entering Canada and also entering...
  6. Mister Bisley

    Name my son for me.

    I dig anything classic sounding. Ansel, Mason, Rhett, Asher, Thatcher, Wade, Elmer, Otto, Otis, Silas, Gaston, Orson, Brooks, Desmond, Emmett, Samuel, Wesley, Bowen, Chet, Fitch, Granger, Huck, Roscoe, Ryder, Weston etc
  7. Mister Bisley

    New to Colorado

    Welcome to the forum!
  8. Mister Bisley


    Welcome to the forum neighbor
  9. Mister Bisley

    Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals

    I've lost 40 pounds since July with a goal of losing another 45 pounds by this upcoming July (85 lbs in a year total). Been doing 40-60 minute dumbbell workouts at home, 5 days a week and trying to walk for a 45-60 minutes most days. Body composition is changing nicely while burning fat and...
  10. Mister Bisley

    Newish to the forum from North Idaho

    Howdy folks! Been lurking here a while and have used this forum for research for a few years. Finally made an account last June and just getting around to making my first post lol. Thanks for having me!