Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Recent content by millerpaul17

  1. millerpaul17

    Brooks Range Aviation Caribou Hunt

    Well thats handy! I have been in touch with hem and they have been great to deal with and have given a lot of information. I just wanted to check if anyone used the. From what i gathered they don't really scout for caribou or monitor the migration like other flight companies and drop you off at...
  2. millerpaul17

    Brooks Range Aviation Caribou Hunt

    Has anyone used Brooks Range Aviation for a drop camp Caribou Hunt? If so how was you experience? Thanks in advance
  3. millerpaul17

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    I Cannot believe 501 has 5 rams. Im guessing a group of people got into a band that had a couple legal rams!? Dang good work to all that got it done!
  4. millerpaul17

    Opening Day Montana Goat Success

    Congrats. Those are some badass pictures as well. Good Work!
  5. millerpaul17

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    @Brandenbowhunter congrats on the ram!! I hope everyone is as excited as i am for the opener. I have guided / assistant guided quite a few successful sheep hunts in Wyoming using horses. With the low number of sheep in these units and me being horseless i know im going to be humbled and get my...
  6. millerpaul17

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Got in a good scouting trip in this weekend! It was a great trip and awesome weather. Only down side was the dam mosquitos sucking us dry all day long. Went in Friday night and left the trail head at about 6pm and got to our camping spot about 9pm. On the way in found about 15 ewes and lambs...
  7. millerpaul17

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Well isn't that handy
  8. millerpaul17

    Refrigerator box hobo hunt

    Depends on if there is other water sources near by I have set up a blind in the morning in the dark and 20 minutes after first light my buddy killed an antelope. I always try to find a water hole that has some other structure, wash, tall brush etc. Like said in previous comments id get a cheap...
  9. millerpaul17

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Right on man. Im sure ill come up empty on seeing sheep as well but you never know! I better keep an eye out for goats as well cause im pretty sure Montana is gonna give me a goat tag next year :ROFLMAO:
  10. millerpaul17

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Awesome, I better throw in my little 4wt when I head in there I guess (y)
  11. millerpaul17

    NM Desert Bighorn Hunt

    Way cool congrats!
  12. millerpaul17

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    @BirdManMike Heck ya that's Awesome! You just catch brookies or are there goldens up there?
  13. millerpaul17

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Headed in to look around in my sheep area at the end of the month to see what the countries like! Pretty dang exciting to have a sheep tag in my pocket with the season sneaking up on us! Just to say I have a tag is a win for me!
  14. millerpaul17

    Need some help with Judging Sheep

    The majority of the rams I have spotted has been early morning and late afternoon but I have found and got sheep killed at high noon. Depending on the weather like anything else they may stay out later in the morning and come out earlier when its cold. It's hard saying because I have seen sheep...
  15. millerpaul17

    Need some help with Judging Sheep

    These are Native Wyoming Rams not the giant freak Montana rams. This First Ram Went 149 notice the tight curl. Not much Length or weight. Side note -This guy drew a goat tag the same year and killed a sheep and goat in two days This Ram went 164 i believe. Good length carries weight decently...