Recent content by Lyfter1013

  1. Lyfter1013

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    This is a first, message asking for “donations” for their honeymoon with their cash app on the back window
  2. Lyfter1013

    Youth 22

    Thanks for the alternate option. I will take a look at these as well. Really need to get her into the store and see what fits her.
  3. Lyfter1013

    Youth 22

    Mainly just a cheap option to get her behind a gun that fits her that she can put a lot of rounds down and get comfortable
  4. Lyfter1013

    Youth 22

    Wow guys thanks for the quick responses I’ll start with looking into this model.
  5. Lyfter1013

    Youth 22

    I’m sure this has been discussed before but I didn’t find anything when I searched. What are some good options to start looking at for my daughter’s first 22? Obviously I want something that is going to fit her and she can get comfortable with. Just curious what others have started there kids...
  6. Lyfter1013

    Sheep show anyone

    I made it in later today than expected will be there tomorrow but probably won’t be there Saturday
  7. Lyfter1013

    Sheep show anyone

    Anyone else going to the sheep show in Reno this week?
  8. Lyfter1013

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    Found another one not even sure what to say here Edit: what’s funny is the last 2 I’ve posted were taken less than a block away from each other… must say something about that side of town
  9. Lyfter1013

    Traumatizing fish

    Only in trouble if you feed those disgusting things to a human… I hope You’re making fertilizer or dog food lol
  10. Lyfter1013

    Deer - lets see em

    Hunted my butt off for this guy. Deer numbers were way down (NW Colorado) according to everyone I had talked to that had hunted this unit previously. Shot him on the last morning of the hunt. One of the toughest pack outs as well.
  11. Lyfter1013

    Bend Over

    I pay $35 a visit