Recent content by littlebighorn

  1. littlebighorn

    Montana S/G/M results 2024

    Like everyone else, No tags for me as well. Top points don't mean a thing. I am a sucker for reading about someone else's adventure, so you lucky draw dogs, keyboard fire away!!!
  2. littlebighorn

    My First Sheep Hunt - NV Desert Bighorn

    That will put a smile on your face every time you walk by it. At least mine does. Congratulations again es.
  3. littlebighorn

    I drew a once in a lifetime sheep tag at 25. Now what?

    Hock, I will add, engage with and listen to Oak. He has all the connections you need and want. For sure become a RMBS member and you will probably have some who are even willing to come along and help with the hunt. If you go prepared, you probably won't need many days to find a good ram...
  4. littlebighorn

    I drew a once in a lifetime sheep tag at 25. Now what?

    Congratulations on a tag 99.9% of hunters will never have. Here is what I'd do if I were so lucky. As has been mentioned, I'd first connect with sheep people/organizations and previous hunters. Most are glad to share what they know because it's such a special hunt and previous hunters won't be...
  5. littlebighorn

    Wyoming Lotto ‘23- Moose Draw

    Yep, Obviously Wyoming no longer wants or needs NR's hunting money or presence. That's sad for those of us who don't reside there, but it's done now. On to bigger and better things for me!
  6. littlebighorn

    Annealing question

    I have the later model (maybe gen 2) with the movable torch bottle. I don't struggle much with aiming the flame, so I'm guessing that's an improvement.
  7. littlebighorn

    Annealing question

    My Annealeez is the easy button. They just drop in a metal bread pan and cool on their own.
  8. littlebighorn

    Annealing question

    I anneal my brass because I want it to last as many rounds as possible, especially when good brass for some cartridges is hard to find. Like most others have stated, I always anneal and then size. Good luck
  9. littlebighorn

    Should 17 year old apply for big three?

    If you apply for a Once in a Lifetime hunt you can draw this year, first ask yourself, "if I do draw, can I actually afford to go on the hunt and pull it off?" Most 17 year olds would not be able to actually pull off an out of state first time hunt, even if they did draw the tag. Building...
  10. littlebighorn

    2023 Montana Bighorn Sheep Tag/Hunt...

    That's a perfect sheep hunt story Mr BC. I've been very fortunate to have taken all four NA sheep, and in my mind anyone who doesn't do it like you did, seriously short changes and incredible adventure. Well done Sir.
  11. littlebighorn

    2023 Montana Bighorn Sheep Tag/Hunt...

    It's hard for me to stomach the fact that some people who don't care about sheep hunting still draw tags, yet others, who would kill for a tag, never draw. Love the story...keep it up.
  12. littlebighorn

    My First Sheep Hunt - NV Desert Bighorn

    The "fever" is contagious and killing a book ram only fuels the fire! Congratulations again es. I'm glad you got in with all the 0/8ths that you needed. I hate when a ram misses by an eight or two. Absolutely gorgeous ram!
  13. littlebighorn

    Component Availability

    Ammo Seek has some online availability but it's not cheap, especially with Hazmatt fees.
  14. littlebighorn

    MOVI in Hell's Canyon Big Horns

    Twenty years ago, when I hunted my first sheep, I was sure that by now we would have found a cure for Movi. Millions of dollars and tons of research later, Movi still regularly raises it's ugly head. We could all be hunting sheep if we could find a cure. Sad deal for sure.