PEAX Equipment

Recent content by ihuntelk

  1. ihuntelk

    SF003 160 tags now at 80...

    That's good news, indeed. Drove past the "One-Shot" building in Lander over the weekend and was wondering how all this would end up. Just texted my Rep and will send emails tonight. I'll make sure all my friends continue to keep the heat on. Thanks! -Cade
  2. ihuntelk

    WY results

    Congrats! Wish I knew your secrets. Thought I had it figured out.......................... I'll keep an ear to the ground out here. -Cade
  3. ihuntelk

    Elk on a deer hunt.

    Did the Choo Choo Express just leave the station? Good job. I won't even ask about the potential scope scar. -Cade
  4. ihuntelk

    My Own Private Idaho

    Good job William and clan. Makes one wonder how many Houdini's you've walked right by over the years. I don't think I really want to know! -Cade
  5. ihuntelk

    Failure is Just a Dress Rehearsal for Success

    Congrats. Great Adventure. Good luck in the Breaks! -Cade
  6. ihuntelk

    Alaska, we just met, but I think I love you.

    Thanks for sharing. -Cade
  7. ihuntelk

    2017 Backpack Deer

    Looks awesome Snowy. Glad you found what you were looking for. Stone Glacier pack? How's it treating you? -Cade
  8. ihuntelk

    Fourth, Final, Finest

    Good Luck RC. Been a little cool and wet in Wyoming. Should be pretty good if the fog doesn't get you. Enjoy it! -Cade
  9. ihuntelk

    2017 sheep

    Bambi with a couple dead sheep signals the beginning of fall every year. Can't wait! Congrats. -Cade
  10. ihuntelk

    Found GPS near Blackhall mountain Wyoming

    Should have stopped in and said howdy............. I'll ask some of the locals around town. Big Creek/Beaver Creek just East of Blackhall is getting a good cleansing from all the beetle kill. -Cade
  11. ihuntelk

    Time for some to go elsewhere

    This is only funny in a kid's cartoon....................Thanks Randy -Cade
  12. ihuntelk

    2016 Wyoming Draw

    Party of 2 coming up! Unless you're looking for one with a black cheek patch - then this guy might do? These are in a good unit :) I spend quite a bit of time out in some good units. I'll keep my eyes peeled and try to take some pics. -Cade
  13. ihuntelk

    2016 Wyoming Draw
  14. ihuntelk

    Colorado Mountain Goat.... A novel in the making....

    Good for you! Love that guys hunt for their own priorities. I've been considering doing the same. Maybe after helping my buddy chase his Wy goat this fall, I'll be smitten and ready to do my own goat hunt. Excited to see how it turns out. Will enjoy following along. -Cade
  15. ihuntelk

    Is it even feasible............

    No more job search. I started this thread a little over 2 years ago. My girls weren't as ready to move North as I was.......... Now one of them is gonna be a sr. next fall. Definitely no move on the horizon. In fact, I could have drawn my Wyoming moose this year but I didn't want a moose tag and...
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