Caribou Gear

Recent content by ibchez

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    WTS: Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65

    its a long shot but is the scope still for sale?
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    Colorado opportunities and guidance

    thank you for heads up on OHV traffic. When I backpack hunt here in Missouri and Tennessee getting away from the OHV traffic is key to being able to hunt like I want. If I run into somebody using their boots in its no big deal
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    Colorado opportunities and guidance

    Thank you for the thoughts. I would be solo. So as tough as I think I am I think packing a mule deer is feasible elk less so. I think maybe an early mule deer with a bear tag add on as an option?
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    Colorado opportunities and guidance

    Thanks for the reply. Any thoughts on if it is a fun though? Good action, good country etc?
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    Colorado opportunities and guidance

    Hi all. 2 things are lining up this year with where I have enough points for a few hunts coupled with a family vacation to Breckenridge, and can do some summer scouting without cashing in any home equity. I have the points for a mule deer 2nd or 3rd rifle in 49, 37, 15, and the grand county...
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    Pm sent
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    Unit discussion for 2023 wyoming elk

    My dad and I are doing a wyoming elk hunt for my 40th birthday. I have tracked down 2 outfitters with openings in the week I think works best. I am currently working through references from the outfitters. Both are horse based wilderness hunts and am calling references of the guys more my dad's...
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    New Mexico unit 51 first rifle

    I put 49 late as my third choice.
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    New Mexico unit 51 first rifle

    I'm allowing myself to be hopeful. I've run the credit car again for a chance at NM unit 51 first rifle. Now the waiting game!
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    suggestions for altitude training

    Thanks for all the thoughts. To summarize: keep training as I have been doing (weight pack hikes, cardio, yoga...etc) and hydrate hydrate hydrate. Maybe look into the altitude medicine for insurance purposes. Once again thank you for your thoughts.
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    quick question with maybe a long answer

    I called and you were correct, no joy on a replacement.
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    New from MO

    I live outside of St. Louis but went to school in Cape Girardeau. Dexter BBQ and Hickory Log were regular haunts, easily worth a roadtrip!
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    suggestions for altitude training

    Thank you for all the thoughts. I am not too "worried" just trying to get out ahead of it a bit.
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    quick question with maybe a long answer

    Thanks Mthuntr. Its a Cabelas Powderhorn.