Caribou Gear

Recent content by HuskerHunterFisher

  1. H

    Monthly budget

    I tell folks we all have a right to spend our money how we want, and everyone else has a right to think we're stupid for spending it that way. I bet if you saw the accounts for those folks that always have the latest and greatest every dollar coming in has been spent already and goes out...
  2. H

    Monthly budget

    I like YNAB (you need a budget) as others have said. It makes you think and analyze not just your recurring monthly expenses, like gas and groceries, but also your less frequent expenditures, like homeowners insurance (if not lumped with mortgage), auto insurance, vehicle registration, etc. You...
  3. H

    Drunk thought suggestion

    The ultimate answer to the ultimate question of the universe.
  4. H

    Picture wall ideas?

    My FIL caught a once in a lifetime rainbow that we had a replica made, and then for his bday the family got him a picture of him holding the fish printed on glass from Marshall's I think. It turned put pretty sweet to have the fish and the pic right next to each other. I'm planning on doing the...
  5. H

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    Camp photo from first ever elk hunt
  6. H

    Pack out pics

    My new favorite thread. All great photos and some awesome looking scenery! This is the only pic (some buddies took video otherwise) of the pack out from my MT public Archery bull this I past September. At the rate my deer season is going it might be my only meat in the freezer.
  7. H

    New Member

    Welcome. I'm from Nebraska and can tell you that you'll be joined by lots of other folks for Merriams in my state. It can be done but it won't be easy. True Merriams occupy a small region of the state and there is some grumbling that all the turkeys in the state are basically hybrids at this...
  8. H

    Montana draw

    By "their people" I mean the IT firm and definitely NOT whoever the goobers are that are doing it now for the FWP. haha
  9. H

    Montana draw

    I still don't know what my draw results mean (released? What does that mean?) Bottom line, the confusion surrounding this system is unacceptable in today's world. 20 years ago with dial up internet, paper apps, and windows 98? Sure. Screw ups happen. Not today. I bet half of us have an app on...
  10. H

    DIY Fall Black Bear-Where to go?

    Spot and stalk is probably what I would want to do. Nothing against hounds or bait but spot and stalk sounds like the most fun for me. Also, would your name handle be a nod to the psychological theory of the Dunning-Kruger effect? If so, I like it...i see it demonstrated a lot in our world...
  11. H

    DIY Fall Black Bear-Where to go?

    I've never hunted black bear but I am thinking a fall DIY hunt sounds awesome. What are the best states for OTC or guaranteed draw for Fall black bear? I've got some family in CO that I might be able to get private access on but otherwise mostly a public land hunt. It seems a lot of tags are...
  12. H

    Coffee roasters that support the Outdoors

    Thanks for the information. I have both varieties from Dark Timber ordered. I didn't see "The Hunt" from Black Coffee but I will keep checking. Funny how I ask this question and a couple days later my Spring issue of Backcountry Journal shows up with this in the page ads area...
  13. H

    Coffee roasters that support the Outdoors

    This may be better in the recipe section so I apologize if this doesn't belong here. This is an odd question but does anyone know of any coffee roasters that are available online and show support to hunting, fishing, and/or public lands? Something akin to Black Rifle Coffee company and the 2nd...