NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Recent content by guppie9

  1. guppie9

    The Good 'Ol Days

    As long as CJ doesn't post any of his old pics, we'll be OK!!!!
  2. guppie9

    A bear walks into a bar...

    A bear walks into a bar in Billings, Montana. He bangs on the bar with his paw and demands a beer. The bartender approaches and says, 'We don't serve beer to bears in bars in Billings.' The bear, becoming angry, demands again that he be served a beer. The bartender tells him again, more...
  3. guppie9

    Great Moose Hunting Story (Not Mine)

    Part 2 of the story
  4. guppie9

    Great Moose Hunting Story (Not Mine)

    Great article in today's Fairbank's newspaper. This story really captures what a moose hunt in Alaska is like. Although I read a comment from a guy who said, if you want to know what moose hunting in Alaska is like, stand in a cold shower and rip up $100 is the same thing...
  5. guppie9

    1 year "Fluke" [Az Cardinals]

    Keep drinking that Haterade, CJ!!!
  6. guppie9

    Drinking pee

    I'm going to grab some popcorn and see where this thread goes!
  7. guppie9

    Logo Gear?

    Dude! That's awesome!!! I want an orange suit that allows me to levitate!!!
  8. guppie9

    Buy airline tickets now!

    ...or out of AK. They have us by the short hairs and they know it. For instance, I was looking at flights to Africa for my trip next summer. Round trip from Fairbanks to Windhoek was $3807. The same flight from Seattle to Windhoek was only $1894. WTF???? $2K for a roundtrip from Fairbanks to...
  9. guppie9

    Logo Gear?

    How about: On our lands... On the move... On target... On Your Own Adventures.
  10. guppie9

    Logo Gear?

    I would prefer hats and t-shirts (maybe a long-sleeve t-shirt, too). I'm not a big bumper sticker guy, but those small window decals are cool. A wool knit-type cap would be nice. I'd probably keep it basic, at first, until you see how they do. Just my 2 cents. Of course, pink, fuzzy...
  11. guppie9

    Logo Gear?

    Just wondering if you have any plans for logo gear (hats, shirts, etc.)? I know Oscar had some stuff done up and I still proudly wear my Hunt Talk hat all the time. I don't get Outdoor Channel up here but would love to show my support.
  12. guppie9

    Pink Camo Its the only one I could find.
  13. guppie9

    Transformers 2

    Really? I'd put it at a solid 4+. Thought it was better than the first. A couple of differences, though. This one was a little more violent, definitely more sexual, and with more bad language. I'm not sure if it is as much as a kids movie as the first.
  14. guppie9

    Waste of Meat

    Sort depends on the time of year and what unit you are in.
  15. guppie9

    Letterman and Palin

    I prefer a really sharp cheddar, personally. If you could only eat one type of red meat, what would it be? Beef, Elk, Deer, Moose, etc. Personally, I love moose tenderloin and moose burger. Discuss.

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