Recent content by Griggs

  1. Griggs

    Az Ban Trail Cams?

    Personally, I am for them being banned. And I used to use a couple of them. But poaching is illegal, and one of my last two hunts I had SXS roll into my camp (mule deer) asking where the game was. 4 hunters in one SXS and brazen enough to tell me they didn't even have a tag. And when they...
  2. Griggs

    AZ Draw

    Ya I figured my last one was merely luck from someone else whose card was declined or something.
  3. Griggs

    AZ Draw

    I've been hit late when I thought all hope was lost (a couple of years ago) and this time early. Both with chase.
  4. Griggs

    AZ Draw

    Our CC got hit, I don't know for what yet since it still says pending. Either I got extremely lucky for another bull hunt, or much more likely it's my wifes meat tag.
  5. Griggs

    When Arizona hits your credit card please comment on this thread

    If I’m around and available, for sure.
  6. Griggs

    AZ Archery Elk Hunt Report 2020

    2 terrible years in a row. Very dry and dusty. Most water areas dried up. Hot, just terrible conditions compared to what it used to be.
  7. Griggs

    AZ Archery Elk Hunt Report 2020

    While you didn't get the bull you wanted, it still sounds like a great time. And a lot of lessons learned, apparently... What zone was it, if you don't mind my asking., 6B?
  8. Griggs

    Alaska hunter killed by grizzly

    Poor guy. Easy to say it was avoidable, but Monday morning quarterbacking is always easy. I've been guilty of breaking down an animal like that before myself. And who hasn't done a solo hunt? Sad situation, but ya, that would have been one hell of an uneasy night. Return to camp and leave...
  9. Griggs

    Pics and more pics...

    The pictures kind of make it look dry, but it was still wet.
  10. Griggs

    Good find today

  11. Griggs

    Good find today

    I'll check, I might have hucked mine out last week, but I had a spare...... Literally last week.
  12. Griggs

    Had an interesting situation on Big Bo..

    It certainly struck us as very odd. I've seen controlled burns, but have very little knowledge of the proper implementation, etc. But right from the beginning every bit of it was really strange, which made us think arson. As for the plate, the truck was too far away from us by the time we got...
  13. Griggs

    Zion Unit for mule deer

    Welcome to HT!
  14. Griggs

    Had an interesting situation on Big Bo..

    That’s sort of what my buddy and I were afraid of It’s so dry it’s like a tinderbox in there now, and we thought it was either a disgruntled fired ranch hand, or some crazy guy, or just kids being pyros. But we didn’t think you would light so many large fires and then leave them unattended at...
  15. Griggs

    Had an interesting situation on Big Bo..

    Not entirely sure where to post this... Went scouting unit 10 (big bo ranch, specifically) this weekend with a buddy of mine. It was the opening weekend, and near as we could tell we were close to the first ones there for scouting, or at least very near to the first. Drove to check out a couple...

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