Caribou Gear Tarp

Recent content by grainhog

  1. grainhog

    What Chainsaw Do You Run?

    I have always owned Stihl saws. I've worked for tree care companies and urban forestry departments that use Husqvarna saws, which are just as capable and reliable. I'd say it's a matter of feel and preference. This is my rebuilt 044 mag. 71 cc displacement. There isn't much it can't do with...
  2. grainhog

    Politics on the ELK Talk podcast

    In general, in the interior western states, republican legislators are who propose bills to divest public land holdings, limit access, and privatize wildlife. And while I suspect few to no democratic legislators can be expected to go to the mat to preserve access to any kind of firearm one can...
  3. grainhog


    In 2009 I stopped drinking as an "experiment", because drinking "less" never worked. Every facet of my life improved dramatically, so I never started again. I've gotten into so much cool stuff, hunting included, that I would never have even known about if I hadn't quit drinking. If you feel at...
  4. grainhog

    Fixed Broadhead Or Mechanical

    Can you really practice with them locked closed without worrying about damaging them, accidental opening, etc.?
  5. grainhog

    Technology rant

    Well, I'm not sure. I research new statistical methods for generating improved estimates of forest attributes for subpopulations spanning small geographies and short time intervals using remote sensing and strategic forest inventory data. Applications for high techy stuff like drones and new...
  6. grainhog

    Seek Outside getting heat for hosting gun control nut Ryan Busse

    Are restricted licenses really hard to obtain? Like to carry a revolver in bear country?
  7. grainhog

    Seek Outside getting heat for hosting gun control nut Ryan Busse

    Honest question here, I don't know: can Canadian citizens living in Canada own and possess bolt action rifles?
  8. grainhog

    Forest Service Issues ‘E-Bike’ Guidance

    The news I heard was that ahead of second reading, there were only 11 comments in favor and 87 comments opposing HB-261. Keep it up! Keep motorized vehicles out of non-motorized areas.
  9. grainhog

    Forest Service Issues ‘E-Bike’ Guidance

    Rep contacted. HB-216 and any other MT legislation that attempts to recognize ebikes as anything other than the motorized vehicles that they are must be defeated.
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