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Recent content by Donnie1030

  1. Donnie1030

    German shorthair pointer pups

    Thanks for the info !
  2. Donnie1030

    Miracle puppy for sale. AKC GSP $100

    Do you still have the pup!
  3. Donnie1030

    German shorthair pointer pups

    Does any body know of any body close to oregon that has any GSP pups for sale.
  4. Donnie1030

    Lots of nice bucks falling..

    Man thats a wall hanger ! Holly crapp....................................
  5. Donnie1030


    Sorry for the loss.Me and my family send out our prayers......
  6. Donnie1030

    Oregon Antelope

    Nice buck! I live in oregon where did you get him !
  7. Donnie1030

    Hello from Western Colorado

    Welcome to the site,You will enjoy it, every body on this site is all about hunting!
  8. Donnie1030

    09 elk and story

    Nice bull !
  9. Donnie1030

    Elkhorn MTN Bull

    It's all about the hunt, not the size of the KILL !
  10. Donnie1030

    Randy, Here's MY bull of a lifetime (CO)

    Man that is a Smoker bull CONGRATS !
  11. Donnie1030

    Wyoming Elk, here we come

    Good luck and have a safe hunt !
  12. Donnie1030

    Wyoming Elk, here we come

    Good luck and have a safe hunt !
  13. Donnie1030

    Sponsor Updates

    Congrats on the leupold's sponsor ! Ive been using leupold for years and love them !
  14. Donnie1030

    Taxidermist names....

    How about Adventure taxidermy !
  15. Donnie1030

    Taxidermist names....

    Adventure taxidermy !