Recent content by CycleFishHunt

  1. CycleFishHunt

    Colorado gun ban

    Seems like everyone gets this already, but just in case, it’s a state leg. thing, not a Congress thing.
  2. CycleFishHunt

    A timely lament . . .

    You know I said nothing of the sort. Part of civil discourse is arguing in good faith.
  3. CycleFishHunt

    A timely lament . . .

    Respectfully disagree. I see book banning as the same impulse as breaking off relationships, canceling people, etc. It’s all people making stuff go away that they don’t like. We can all come up rationalizations why a book, or a topic, should not be allowed in a school. Few of them hold a much...
  4. CycleFishHunt

    Traumatizing fish

    Trauma is a pretty big word, and a bit overused IMO. Fish experience physical trauma for sure, but certainly not psychological trauma. I am unsure of just exactly how a fish experiences pain. Surely, a dog would stop eating its treats pretty quickly if a huge hook punctured its jowls when it...
  5. CycleFishHunt

    What are you currently reading? A little more than a quarter of the way through and enjoying it thoroughly. Ambrose was a great storyteller.
  6. CycleFishHunt

    NHL playoffs

    Agreed. That was brutal.
  7. CycleFishHunt

    NHL playoffs

    I’m with you, but it ain’t looking good right now. They’re really a mess. I was at Game 2. That first period was pathetic. It’s like a different team comes out every period.
  8. CycleFishHunt


    This reminded me of the closing line of Willie Nelson’s excellent “I Gotta Get Drunk.”
  9. CycleFishHunt


    I drank socially most of my adult life. I think I was pretty moderate, but would certainly overdo it, every now and then too. As I got older (I’m in my mid forties) I noticed that even one or two drinks in the evening was enough to negatively affect my sleep, so I started to cut back. During...
  10. CycleFishHunt

    Beware the Portland Pizza

    Holy crap! Best wishes for a successful surgery and speedy recovery, Randy.
  11. CycleFishHunt

    2025-2029 Big Game Season Structure Questionnaire Open Through March 15, 2023
  12. CycleFishHunt

    HB 243 - Mandatory In-Person Field Day for Hunters Ed

    I disagree with those that feel the whole class should be in person. I took hunters ed in CO which offers an internet based class, with an in-person conclusion class, and a few hours at the range to do hands on gun safety, and shooting. I understand most people might not be like me, but as an...
  13. CycleFishHunt

    Sh*t our kids do

    My 8 year old son plays ice hockey. A couple of months back he was undressing at home after practice. At the point he was down to his jock strap (and cup), he turns to my wife, pushes out his hips and says, “Hey mom, punch me in the nuts!”

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