Recent content by Curly

  1. C

    Pickup bed camper help

    I got a platform system with drawers for my truck. It works great for storing guns in the drawers and then I have a queen size memory foam pad to sleep on. With my tailgate locked, I feel pretty safe with my guns locked up in the drawers; I think it would be...
  2. C

    Auction Tag Deja Vu

    I heard the bull was so tame that the elk allowed him to walk up to within 15 yards of him before he shot. I don't know how he could be proud of taking that elk?
  3. C

    Sons First Duck Hunt

    Really great thread! Thanks for sharing.
  4. C


    :D good one!
  5. C

    Probably a stupid question; Cornerhopping literally!

    I know corner crossing is legal in WA state. I heard MT is sticklers about it and WY is like Buzz said.
  6. C

    What the H is going on in Montana?

    Wow! And I thought Montana might be a good state to move to in order to get away from the stupid politicians in my state. Guess I was wrong about getting away from stupid politicians.
  7. C

    Oldest hunting clothing you still wear?

    I have a wool sweater that is over 20 years old from Cabelas.
  8. C

    Packers Seahawks

    I guarantee that game was a fluke with all the turnovers. That won't happen in the SB. Should be a good game, but I hope the HAWKS keep the lead the whole time. GO HAWKS!
  9. C

    What you shoot these?

    My reloads look similar to that. I think I have 2 grooves showing and they shoot great!
  10. C

    Red Legs Run

    Chukar Great pics! Dog is looking good.
  11. C

    Love to you Hunt Talkers

    I wonder if she really expected to be allowed to join with a username like that?
  12. C

    Fresh Tracks on "The Front"

    What episode number is it? That letter that Toby Bridges wrote didn't have a date on it that I saw. When did the episode air? I have my DVR set to record all episodes, but I don't get a chance to see all of them each week; I usually wait and watch a few episodes at one time..........I'll have...
  13. C

    Petiton to bar OYOA from airing

    Wolf hunt Randy, your show is the best hunting show out there. I haven't had a chance to watch the entire 2-episodes yet, but I did watch a little bit of episode 1 and the last 15 minutes of episode 2. (I DVR all of your shows, so I will hopefully find time to watch the rest of the wolf...
  14. C

    big mulie with trash

    Is that a shotgun? Or just a heavy barreled rifle?
  15. C

    ? re: Value of a Company

    Thanks guys. I knew I could get some info from this site.:) My boss is willing to give up a portion of his ownership in the company (he owns 100% of it now) and he wants me to pay 1/3 of the percentage that I would get. In other words, if he wants to give up 30% of the company to me, and the...

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