Yeti GOBOX Collection

Recent content by CubsFan

  1. C

    WY Unit 103 Cow

    Idaho resident that pulled a Wyoming NR general tag. Struck out on my main hunt in unit 91 but noticed I can go back first half of November for a cow in nearby unit 103. Per On X's layer looks like the majority of the unit is winter range. For a cow this time of year should I be focusing on the...
  2. C

    Separating Out Elk Roasts

    Thanks for the replies all. I'm probably just over thinking it like I often do.
  3. C

    Separating Out Elk Roasts

    When people talk about doing roasts are they generally doing a whole muscle group or is it just a hunk of meat? For example I froze a top sirloin off my elk's hindquarter and now want to use it as a roast. Using the whole thing would probably be bigger than I want. Should I just cut it in...
  4. C

    Sitka gun sling vs Kifaru gun bearer

    I have the gun bearer and it is awesome. You will probably need to tinker around with it to get it exactly how you want it attached to your pack for ease of movement but once you get it down its really nice to have.
  5. C

    WY Unit 91 Cow Tag

    The Grey's River road is a little farther from me but I'm thinking to check out that area this week. Looks like there is a long stretch of well maintained road you can travel along and I can bush whack my way up either side of the road to some potentially good spots.
  6. C

    WY Unit 91 Cow Tag

    Was out there this past Fri-Sun and didn't hear or see any elk. Spent two days in the Cottonwood Creek area and one day in the Strawberry Creek area. Was pleased with the lack of pressure I experienced. Only saw 3 other parties of hunters and they were all on horseback and had rifles so I...
  7. C

    DIY Float Resources

    Thanks all. I'm moving to Pocatello so southeast ID. I have a pretty crappy personal pontoon now but plan to upgrade to a frameless inflatable raft.
  8. C

    DIY Float Resources

    I don't even know much about the whole permit system for rivers. Mainly looking for a generalized guide to give me ideas of trips near me that I could then dig into the specifics with other more specific resources like you suggested with the river guides. For example I would want to start out...
  9. C

    DIY Float Resources

    Looking for books or any other resources for planning float trips. Not so much the logistics of the trips in general but put in and take out spots, camping spots, water class, fishing info etc for specific rivers. The more area covered the better but I am most interested in the Northwest...
  10. C

    Anxiously awaiting Wyoming Non-Res elk drawing results...

    Drew a 091-6 tag. Odds were 28% this year so feeling pretty lucky. The unit is only 2 hours away from my new home in Idaho!
  11. C

    Moving to ID from CO

    I'm moving from Colorado to Idaho in April. For hunting purposes where will I be considered a resident for the 2019 season? When I fill out my Colorado app I would still technically be a resident but when the season rolled around I wouldn't. The reverse is true of Idaho. If I had my choice I...
  12. C

    CO Home state hunter. Where else to start buying points?

    I would be interested to hear other people's opinion because I am in the exact same situation as you except I am in Denver and don't have a home unit per se. Currently I am only building points in Wyoming. My hunting experiences in WY have been far better so far than Colorado.
  13. C

    Fresh start with optics for western hunts

    I actually upgraded from Redfield Rebels I got for $100 to Maven c1s based on all the good feedback I saw here and other places. I honestly can't tell any difference between the two but I am relatively new to hunting so maybe I just don't know what to look for.
  14. C

    Shoulder Roast Questions

    Thanks I'm sure I'm over complicating it. Are there obvious spots where it should be cut at or is it just based on size of roast preference?
  15. C

    Shoulder Roast Questions

    I got my first elk and want to try one or more of these delicious sounding elk shoulder roast recipes I've seen. Probably a dumb question but I am confused how to take a single elk shoulder and make it into multiple bone in roasts. Do I just take a bone saw and cut it into reasonable portions...