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Recent content by Chix

  1. C

    Seeking info on Washington GMU 133

  2. C

    Seeking info on Washington GMU 133

    I drew a modern rifle tag for this unit. I have hunted whitetail on private land around Fort Spokane, but this tag is for antlerless mule deer (Disabled). My interest is to find info on where I might find such elsewhere in #133. Been trying to get up to Grand Coulee to do some scouting east of...
  3. C

    New To Washington

    So how do I know when I have graduated from the peanut galley to wearing big boy pants?
  4. C

    New To Washington

    Not trying to cause trouble, just trying to fulfill the requirements necessary to get to where I can start using this forum. I'm sure there are valid reasons for the 10 uses requirement, and you are certainly under no obligation to explain it to me, but I am ancient, and when you get to be my...
  5. C

    New To Washington

    You are a moderator?
  6. C

    Electronics during hunting season-WA?

    I'm not an expert on that but I know you are to use walkie talkies as an aid in actual hunting of big game. As far as I know, trail cams have no restrictions. I'm sure this is all covered in the big game regs.
  7. C

    New To Washington

    Lots of public land here and lots of guidance available on this forum. Also, something that even the most experienced hunters in this state neglect to make use of is the Department of Wildlife. My best kept secret is to call a game department biologist in the area that you want to hunt. Those...
  8. C

    Opinions on Washington

    I see you are getting some decent advice here. Spokane ok, just stay away from the city itself if possible. The only time I had to spend the night there somebody opened our motel door in the middle of the night, and when we went to leave in the morning we found our car had been broken into and a...
  9. C

    How do i get into hunting in washington state

    Well it is not annoying. Tell me a bit more about you, where you live, what kind of hunting you'd like to do, what guns you have, etc. I have hunted every corner of Washington for many years. You can call me if you want. Just reply here.
  10. C

    Xmas in June here in WA

    Very nice! I drew disabled modern for antlerless mule deer in 133. I hunted 133 for a long time on a private ranch but that dried up. I have been taking a fresh look on Google maps at the area and I'm interested in the area east of Grand Coulee. Is there anyone here that would be able to steer...
  11. C

    Just in from Sportmans' Alliance - Comment period open on proposed WDFW "hunting contest" ban.

    Last hunting contest in my area was a coyote derby. A guy or two brought in coyotes they had killed and frozen previous to the contest. I don't think there was ever another one.
  12. C

    WA DNR closes all lands to recreation

    Same old problem. I quit denying climate change.
  13. C

    SW WA Decline -> Here we come ID

    Wish it was as easy saying as doing. I see game management getting tougher every year because every year there is less habitat. Plain and simple. Stop the encroachment? Not going to happen. Who's to blame? You and I.
  14. C

    CO bear advice

    Best advice I can give you for September is to find the wild berries. In Washington it's wild blackberries, salmon berries, huckleberries. Especially in years of drought.
  15. C


    They pulled this on Rimfire Central a couple years ago. I escaped by the skin of my teeth and sent a warning like yours to the forum. I never heard of anyone actually being scammed. I think the moderators got on it right away.
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