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Recent content by Chambo

  1. C

    $1000 Reward Offered for Arrest of Fat-Assed ATV Riders
  2. C

    Recreational Trails Program

    dgibson, the best places for the stick dippers is at the local auction barn .Seems they can find a lot of diesel trucks in one place there. They can dip their sticks a lot. I wonder if they clean their stick after they dip, or do they just dip a dirty stick in someone elses tank ? Double stick...
  3. C

    Free Money For Ranching

    This is just a FYI. If you really want to know who gets the money
  4. C

    Rosie gets married

    Terry, sorry about the mail, I have two mail programs and your e-mail turned up on the one my wife usually uses, not my default program. Still waiting for Dave to make his decision, I know what I am going to do. Go for a tag in a great area second choice will be for a mzl cow tag in that same...
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    Rosie gets married

    How would such a union between the same sex be consumated without breaking any laws, eg. sodomy, oral sex ? Most states have laws regulating such activities, even though they are not enforced to a great extent. I going to wash my keyboard now. yukkkkkkk
  6. C

    An important tool for your computer

    [ 02-08-2004, 18:11: Message edited by: Chambo ]
  7. C

    An important tool for your computer

    [ 02-08-2004, 17:18: Message edited by: Chambo ]
  8. C


    OK, I can only do ten before I have to switch arms Twenty is what i did, could maybe have done a couple more but burn baby burn. I have NEVER been to a jym , I get paid to do my workouts
  9. C

    IA gears up for ATVs

    Yep, still beating my butt across the fields. Have a project for me and the atv next week, gonna make a lot of tracks on about 100 acres overseeding some crp.I will be keeping an eye out for shed antlers too. It seems the deer have been loseing then a little earlier this year. For some reason...
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    IA gears up for ATVs

    Marland, I use to in my younger days go to Benton to check out the chicks. Benton use to have some of the best looking gals around. Akin is where my buddy and I started our reloading business. Why in the hell did they make the town sguare like a merry go round ? There have been a couple of...
  11. C

    FLUFFY !!!!

    Cali, there was actually quite some debate over the boatail theory. It was discovered after recovering some spent rounds, fired at different ranges and target media , that the tail was lost before leaving the muzzle. Further investigation reveled a couple of things. 1. It was determined that...
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    FLUFFY !!!!

    On second thought it is probably just a dropped cartridge from someone hunting with the new and improved ratranger 2004, which is basically a gerbil canon retrofitted with the new rat master barrel. Has more knock down energy than the old gerbil canon and the new rifleing takes the hair off...
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    FLUFFY !!!!

    I am dying here , Oscar surely you have figured out by now that someone in the area has made the upgrade from gerbil to rat !!!! Show him a piece of 1-1/2 " pvc pipe and see what he does. Be on the alert for strangers walking around sticking a piece of pvc into every crack and crevice...
  14. C

    Should have went home (true story)

    So, I get off work a little early and decide to stop at a place on the way home for a couple hour deer hunt.I am kinda in a hurry and gather my gear and walk a little over a quarter mile from the truck to where i want to put up my climber. I get the climber on and get up the tree and pull my...
  15. C

    Big buck blunders

    Here is the way i look at my hunting when it comes to bucks. I only need to get lucky 1 time and they have to be lucky everytime

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