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Recent content by Caleb_The_Carnivore

  1. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    california A zone 2023

    As my hometown zone, (A zone North) has come to an end this last weekend, I am sad I have to wait another year for its return but thankful if was a hard yet successful, rewarding, and another cherished set of memories I get to keep forever. Our group only harvested 3 bucks out of the 7 of us...
  2. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    Blacktail Buck

    congrats, northern A zone was even harder than usual this year, so well done!
  3. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    Colorado deer 52

    We ended up having a great time in Colorado. The weather was good, the people there are as friendly as you could ever imagine. We had good food, good laughs, and good success. I learned a lot about a species I am not very familiar with, located in a place I had never been to. We experienced...
  4. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    Plains deer

    congrats man that's awesome, good to see you still getting it done!
  5. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    Colorado deer 52

  6. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    Calling Black Bear?

    Have had one come in during a spring coyote hunt, where I like to use fawn distress calls. Came in fast and on a one way mission, unfortunately wasn't season for black bears here in Commifornia.
  7. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    Antelope...Lets See Them!!!

    My dad and I on a trip in Wyoming last year
  8. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    Colorado deer 52

    well, somehow he got drawn with one point. We have a scouting trip coming up in July. Thanks to all who have helped with information and tips. If anyone else has suggestion, please tell me, I'm all ears. Just want to make this the best trip for him possible!
  9. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    Unique California Blacktail and Thoughts

    that's awesome, never seen a blacktail that looked like that!
  10. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    Colorado deer 52

    Thank you!
  11. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    Colorado deer 52

    yeah that the way its looking, guess we'll have to get a point and try and get something for the second draw. Father in law was hopeful for this area but I'll be happy just to get out and go anywhere!
  12. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    Colorado deer 52

    awesome, thank you for that. I was not able to find this info.
  13. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    Colorado deer 52

    Hey everyone, got a question I'm hoping you all can help me with. I'm putting together a DIY hunt in Colorado. Our primary reason is for my Father in Law, who wants to go hunt there, specifically in Unit 52 because thats where he said he used to go ( been 20+ years). Im new to putting in for...
  14. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    California A zone Blacktail success

  15. Caleb_The_Carnivore

    California A zone Blacktail success

    thank you appreciate it!

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