Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Recent content by Brandenbowhunter

  1. Brandenbowhunter

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Man, the crew in here is salty as normal, Congrats to that dude in 500...not my cup of tea. But, I was 7 years in before I got to shoot at one, passed on a few that were just too young...but also saw rams that we could age at 10.5 that was not 3/4...no lies. I have pics of him, and I would not...
  2. Brandenbowhunter

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    My ram skull is back, now to get reps ordered up,
  3. Brandenbowhunter

    Elk .... Let's see them!!!

    Kid got his first bull this weekend ...made a great shot...there were bigger bulls, but surrounded by cows...he chose to take this guy, because he had a free shot
  4. Brandenbowhunter

    Deer - lets see em

    My son, B got his second archery kill, 4th buck over all.
  5. Brandenbowhunter

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Our sheep camp this year
  6. Brandenbowhunter

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    6 rams taken in 501!? Go God
  7. Brandenbowhunter

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Lol, i lnow a guy, haha
  8. Brandenbowhunter

    Deer - lets see em

    so this happened when my kid and i were walking back to the truck last night caught him headed to the field with minutes of shooting light left....he was on a trail below us..range the trail, stopped him...and this
  9. Brandenbowhunter

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Supposed to be two down in 500, rumor has it
  10. Brandenbowhunter

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    was it the Minnesotians, we saw them going in, my buddy has that goat tag
  11. Brandenbowhunter

    Antelope...Lets See Them!!!

    nothing fancy this year. But 22 years in a row
  12. Brandenbowhunter

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Full body of course, lol