Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Recent content by BigHornyRam

  1. B

    President Bush Needs the Gunner!!!

    Few, I'm waiting for Professor Gunner to learn us about that as well! Should be very interesting. Paul
  2. B

    cattle in a wilderness unit??

    Schmalts, Winter range is the limiting factor for the elk, not summer range. If wilderness has an existing grazing lease, I am all for it. If you do not like cattle grazing in this or other wilderness areas, I would suggest you ear mark some of YOUR dollars to be used to buyout these...
  3. B

    T Bone's sheep hunt

    T bone, Sounds like the hunt of a life time, even if you did not get your ram. Thanks for sharing your story and looking forward to the pictures! Paul
  4. B

    'Normal' society, but hear more from the 'tails'??

    Elkgunner, You said: "And my electricity? Why I think I'll stay with cheap, affordable, safe power from the good people at Idaho Power. And Idaho Power doesn't get a significant amount of their electricty from the 4 Lower Snake River dams, so no effect to my lavish lifestyle" Doesn't the dams...
  5. B

    Breach dams and lose power?

    Ithaca, What energy source is used to operate the Texas power plants? Coal? Natural gas? Nuclear? How do you feel about using these particular energy sources and their associated problems? How about the extraction of these forms of energy, are you in favor of it? How about if we extract...
  6. B

    Price of Admission in My Private Idaho

    If you guy's want more say in how the public land is managed, your going to have to open up your wallets. Elkgunner said: "If I go down the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, or the Main, I get charged $5/per person/ per day. Doesn't seem like much, until you write a $540 check to the Fores...
  7. B

    Price of Admission in My Private Idaho

    Gunner, The $5 a day to float the Middle Fork is to pay for Abbey's salery. She's the Forest Service employee that tells you about where to pee and poo, and what to do with micro trash. Cut her a little slack. It's only her second year on the job, and that five minute presentation is hard to...
  8. B

    Taxes: Why the revulsion?

    Gunner, Your going to have to sell me some of your herb before I can teach YOU anything about economics. Sorry your a waste of my time. I flunked you out last semester. Later dude. Paul
  9. B

    Part 3: How to Get the Lower Snake River Dams Breached

    Man am I glad I moved to Montana! You potatoe heads are phucking nuts! All of you! Good luck. Paul
  10. B

    'Normal' society, but hear more from the 'tails'??

    Ten, Hydro electric is much better than nuclear, but there are some kooks out there that are opposed to it as well! Paul
  11. B

    Do you feel that management agencies are underfunded?

    Pointer, No they are not OVERFUNDED. I agree with cj, cut the dead wood. Become efficient. Stop the petty lawsuits that keep the managers from doing their JOB! Liberals only want to throw more money at the problem to solve it. There are lots of other ways. Paul
  12. B

    Taxes: Why the revulsion?

    Gunner says: "We have a President who in 3 years wiped out a Budget Surplus, killed a roaring economy, and now has a $455 billion deficit for this year. How do you think that money will be paid back? By TAXES. And how do you think the interest on that $455 billion will be paid this year? By...
  13. B

    Game vs. Non-game animals?

    Gunner, I like art, and if I see a piece that moves me enough, I just might buy it. And thats how arts and crafts SHOULD be funded. Get it? If you want to carry this line of thinking on a little further to agriculture, I will agree with you. Gubbermint interferance with agriculture is why...
  14. B

    Taxes: Why the revulsion?

    Pointer, The people that would like to tax you some more, politicians, and the gubermint, are pretty clever about how they go about it. They don't want anyone to really know how much they are paying in taxes and just what YOU are really getting for it. Its a giant shell game. User fees, fed...
  15. B

    Game vs. Non-game animals?

    No Pointer, I don't think we need a general tax for wildlife. I am more of a user tax kind of guy. I don't mind using my money to fund things I care about. And I don't want my money used for things I don't care for, like social security, dope smoking proffessors, and arts and crafts for...
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