Saw a couple smaller bears early this evening then nothing for a bit. A sow finally came out with a boar and after thinking about it for a few minutes I decided he was the one.

After I shot, the sow ran away from me to my left then pulled a 180° and decided to head right at me, full tilt. She ran no more than 3 feet from me. Let me tell you, they look a lot bigger coming full speed towards you when you're sitting on the ground! I've been pretty close to curious bears before, but never like that, it was pretty awesome!

Nothing too exciting for me to report. Sat many times for that big black but he always seems to outsmart me. I think I sat close to 20 times this spring for him and about 14 last spring. Even early in the year he was very patternable but he seemed to know when I was in stand. A bunch of bears left my bait almost a week ago now and I’m stuck with these two and another smaller one. Hopefully my other bait without a cell cam has something good on it. About one more week and if nothing has changed it’s fishing time
