Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

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  1. 8andcounting

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    Don’t compare Nd to Montana . Apples to asparagus
  2. 8andcounting

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    The HD I drew my LE bull permit in this year went to LE deer this year , this makes me very happy should be less hunters around .
  3. 8andcounting

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    This is the best most honest post in this thread . Totally agree
  4. 8andcounting

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    FWP is more concerned with 9:30 coffee why so late ? lol
  5. 8andcounting

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    I somewhat agree with you , however if they really wanted to improve herd numbers they would cut opportunities. Like go LE . Deer are gonna get hammered in October too . We can go round and round on that . This proposal does little to cut opportunities.
  6. 8andcounting

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    Never fly with Montana residents
  7. 8andcounting

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    This is where I think you’re wrong . Any real change is going to drastically affect Montana FWP budget in a negative way . The proposal is not real change . It doesn’t take away much opportunity. About the same number of deer will get shot . Respectfully. You guys worked hard on the proposal...
  8. 8andcounting

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    I have to agree . Rip the band aid off and get it done . Le statewide for all R And NR
  9. 8andcounting

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    I was never asked this year . So did they list me as being in 7? Who knows
  10. 8andcounting

    ‘23 Montana B tag draw

    It will be somewhat interesting to see if b tag app numbers are down specifically for deer with r4, 6 and 7 going private only for mule b tags. Elk b tag apps in such places like 410 could be down to due to that area going LE for deer . Will be interesting to see
  11. 8andcounting

    ‘23 Montana B tag draw

    It’s not in progress . But should be this week or next . Good luck to all
  12. 8andcounting

    ‘23 Montana B tag draw

    Good luck to all in the b tag and antelope 900 draw . Here’s to getting an elk b tag . Not holding my breath
  13. 8andcounting

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    I’d say at worst - 60% of Montana residents want no change
  14. 8andcounting

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    I think some people need to reset their expectations. This proposal has a lot of good points and if it were up to me I would implement it immediately. And see what tweaks it may need later . But the chances of it being implemented are small . Remember who you’re up against. That doesn’t mean...
  15. 8andcounting

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    FWP is gonna slam this down quicker than it takes me to fall asleep tonight . And that’s quick lol
  16. 8andcounting

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    By hunting for 2 months straight that distributes the pressure ?
  17. 8andcounting

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    Why not leave it as is. Cap NR at 17000 . Not 17001 . No b tags for NR . No b tags on public . For LE tags 5% to NR not up to 10
  18. 8andcounting

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    Yup . I don’t think the rut hunt is all the problem it’s the # of people hunting the rut
  19. 8andcounting

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    The proposal doesn’t guarantee help to the deer herd , in some ways it does more damage in my opinion. LE is the only sure way
  20. 8andcounting

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    Not on anyone’s train . Just what I see been hunting Montana since I was a teen in the 90s love the state . But it needs help when it comes to md