Caribou Gear Tarp

Recent content by mtlilguy

  1. mtlilguy

    Safari Club International supports WEST Act to withdraw Public land rule

    It's hard to say if anyone, even those involved in drafting the rule, truly know what this ends up looking like a few years from now. It seems to me like this was somewhat unnecessary. There's nothing currently preventing the BLM from considering and/or implementing conservation related...
  2. mtlilguy

    Montana - Time to Shake it Up?

    A cow's winter range and deer/elk winter range are in different places. Ranchers will keep them closer to home and/or in easily accessible pastures for feeding and calving. Deer and elk like breaks topography and/or secluded areas with browse/grass close by.
  3. mtlilguy

    Alright you MT R doe killers, fess up.

    I get 1 muley doe tag every year in R6 in addition to my general tag. Some years I fill it, some years I don't. Some years I fill my either sex tag with a buck, some years I don't. I have set my own personal limitations as to what animals are harvested to fill those tags. I share the same...
  4. mtlilguy

    Montana mule deer rant

    Yep, I read the study.
  5. mtlilguy

    Montana mule deer rant

    Are you thinking soil type differences in relation to the habitat quality that can/can't grow there? Or soil type differences in relation to the minerals each has/lacks? I think both could be part of the equation to some degree. At the county vs county scale, I think habitat quality provided...
  6. mtlilguy

    Does Camouflage Really Work

    Its not the camo pattern guys... Get you some HECS
  7. mtlilguy

    Maybe some good news? Proposed BLM land purchase on the Musselshell River

    When submitting your comments, consider mentioning other resource issues BLM should consider during the analysis of the acquisition. For example, travel management of existing roads. Livestock grazing management. The BLM's process for analyzing the impacts of acquiring new land is not just...
  8. mtlilguy

    BLM Grazing Overhaul

    So do wildlife. So do hunters. So do others recreating on public lands and driving on roads, both open and closed. I will admit each of those have different levels of contribution to the spread, but each are still a factor. Nothing is obvious. Cattle may have not even been what introduced...
  9. mtlilguy

    Synthetic Beef - Impact On Public Grazing?

    Understood. I guess my point was that I don't think public land grazing would go away or reduce as a result of synthetic beef gaining market share, but rather the opposite could occur since public land grazing is cheaper for producers.
  10. mtlilguy

    Synthetic Beef - Impact On Public Grazing?

    So let's say plant based and synthetic beef substitutes do take more of the market share. 1) Wouldn't that drive real beef prices down due to less demand as well as trying to get consumers to purchase real beef versus the alternative products? 2) If beef prices drop to a level that makes...
  11. mtlilguy

    Landlocked BLM

    I have heard BLM folks refer to parcels like this as the "forgotten lands". A clerical error when writing/granting a warranty deed leaves small parcels in government ownership even though the intent might have been to sell them during the homesteading days, or the purchaser simply forgot to...
  12. mtlilguy

    Antelope...Lets See Them!!!

    Got my first MT antelope on Halloween. Glassed this buck at 7:30 and shot him at 4:00. The day was full of tricks but it ended with a treat.
  13. mtlilguy

    22-250 for Mule Deer???

    Until I moved out west and picked up a 7 mag, I harvested multiple whitetails with my 22-250. Haven't harvested a mule deer with it yet but I am not opposed to carrying it on a hunt to fill a B tag. As you stated, shot placement is key. Each whitetail was shot in the neck and they dropped...
  14. mtlilguy

    Rattlesnakes while hunting

    2015. My first summer on the HiLine. This guy was not happy with me interrupting his meal, but he couldn't do much about it. Snapped a few pics then back to work. They have to eat too, I guess.
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